School of Education - Accreditation Self-Study Report

Standard 6: Unit Budget


The budget to support unit activities and services is derived from the main budget of the Office of Academic Affairs.  In 2011-12, SCSU embarked on an institutional reorganization which resulted in the transition of the College of Education into the College of Education and Learning Design. The new School houses six academic departments, three support units and several initiative centers. The School also maintains leadership and oversight responsibilities for the preparation of all professional educators on campus, including those programs in other colleges and schools within the institution. 

A review of the financial data among the colleges and schools within the institution indicates equity and strong support for the College of Education and Learning Design. In any given academic year, the School enrolls between 995 and 1,200 graduate and undergraduate students with a total 2015 classified and non-classified staffing budget of $4,118,010 (Exhibit 6.4.f.1).

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