School of Education - Accreditation Self-Study Report

Standard 4: Experiences Working With Diverse Faculty

Attention to hiring practices that reflect the institutional commitment to social justice, diversity and inclusion have been an administrative priority at SCSU. We have been purposeful in the recruitment of diverse faculty in order to provide the best possible candidate pool for every search. These efforts are monitored and upheld through system-level (MnSCU) board policy and the SCSU Office for Institutional Equity & Access (OEA). The OEA recruitment plan aims to create diverse and vibrant applicant pools by routinely advertising open positions on appropriate websites and in professional publications (Exhibits 4.4.g.2; 4.4.g.3).

As of October 31, 2012, 22% of all faculty employed at SCSU were people of color and 45% were female (Exhibit 4.4.g.1). Currently, 15% of professional education faculty are people of color and 57% are female (Exhibit 4.4.d.1). This is below the institutional average, but compares favorably to the demographics of our cooperating teachers, who in the past three years were 5% people of color and 77% female.

The faculty in the teacher education unit share their expertise in social justice, diversity and inclusion internationally, nationally, regionally and locally. During the past academic year, teacher education faculty members made over a dozen presentations on diversity-related topics (Exhibit 4.4.g.4).

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