School of Education - Accreditation Self-Study Report

Standard 5: Modeling Best Professional Practices in Service

Looking at the same 24 vitae, we found faculty members had membership in 53 different professional organizations (Exhibit 5.4.e.1). Many of the professional organizations listed were included on numerous vitae, particularly organizations such as the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE).

70 faculty members are currently involved in the work of the Teacher Preparation Initiative, collaborating with P-12 teachers and administrators on program reform, P-16 assessment, induction, support and professional development (Exhibit 5.4.e.3). This work has been a service to the institution and to the community. Faculty report a wide variety of other types of service, including but not limited to unit and departmental committee work, supervising student organizations, presenting at and attending unit forums, sitting on community advisory boards, grant development, developing programs to increase access to educational resources and volunteering within the community.

Brad Isberner

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