School of Education - Accreditation Self-Study Report

Standard 1: Pedagogy Skills

Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Initial Preparation

  • Preparation of Program Completers (Exhibits 1.4.d.4; 1.4.d.5). Pedagogical Content Knowledge is assessed in Standard 4: Instructional Strategies and Standard 6: Communication. In 2012-13 SCSU completers scored Standard 4 lower after teaching one year than at exit.
  • edTPA (Exhibit 1.4.d.16; 1.4.d.6; 1.4.d.7; 1.4.d.8). The edTPA tasks for planning and instruction require candidates to demonstrate a wide range of strategies that engage students. Rubrics 1, 4, 7 and 9 are aligned with the requirements of demonstrating pedagogical content knowledge. Data reveal that while SCSU candidates consistently score below the national average, the internal scoring conducted in Fall 2013 rated candidates above a “2” (scale 0-3) on each of the four rubrics aligned with pedagogical content knowledge.
  • Cooperating Teacher Surveys (Exhibit 1.4.d.9; 1.4.d.10). Cooperating teachers assess 15 items that are aligned with this standard. Overall, 89.8% of our candidates were rated as prepared. Areas of particular strength include: designing learning communities in which students work collaboratively (97%) and using multiple strategies to teach concepts (96%).

Advanced Preparation

Pedagogical content knowledge is embedded and assessed through course activities, observations and feedback.


Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge

Initial Preparation

  • Preparation of Program Completers (Exhibit 1.4.d.4; 1.4.d.5). Professional and pedagogical knowledge is assessed in Standard 3: Diverse Learners, Standard 5: Learning Environment and Standard 9: Reflection and Professional Development. Findings point to weaknesses in the area of diverse learners. SCSU has a very strong multicultural and human relations component that is common to all programs. The areas in which candidates feel the least prepared reflected differentiating instruction for academically diverse students.
  • edTPA (Exhibit 1.4.d.7). Rubrics 2, 3, and 10 of the edTPA are best aligned with professional and pedagogical knowledge. In the 2013 pilot study, SCSU candidate scores mirrored the national sample on Rubric 2 (planning to support varied student learning needs), but were much lower on rubric 3 (using knowledge of students to inform teaching and learning.
  • Cooperating Teacher Survey (Exhibit 1.4.d.9). There are 9 items on the cooperating teacher survey that align with this standard. In the most recent administration of that survey (N=181), 89.1% of SCSU candidates were rated “prepared” on these aspects of teaching.

Advanced Preparation

Professional and pedagogical knowledge is embedded and assessed through course activities, observations and feedback.

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