College of Education and Learning Design

Conceptual Framework

What is a conceptual framework? 

A conceptual framework is a visual representation of interrelated components or objectives. In education, it represents the core foundational elements of our programs and our philosophy. It is both current and aspirational. The SCSU framework, “Preparing Transformative, Liberatory Education Professionals”, depicts an education ecosystem of interrelated and interdependent elements. We see education as an ecosystem. When one part of the ecosystem struggles, we all struggle. When one part excels, we all move forward. Our conceptual framework represents this interdependence and depicts the collaborative nature of our work.

Interlocking Rings

The red ring (SCSU Education Programs) depicts our commitment to our students. As teacher educators, we believe that teacher candidates deserve to experience a program that embodies these objectives:

  • Antiracism, equity and inclusion
  • Accountability that improves learning
  • Engaged and innovative faculty
  • Applied learning
  • Culturally sustaining practices
  • Robust partnerships with area schools and community groups
  • Clinically focused programming

The gray ring (Developing Education Professionals) depicts our aspirations for our candidates. We are developing future educators who will be:

  • Advocates for equity and justice
  • Caring, student-oriented professionals
  • Collaborative leaders
  • Creative problem solvers
  • Using technology to engage learners
  • Reflecting on their practice to enhance student learning
  • Skilled in teaching in their content area

The blue-gray ring (Engaging P-12 Learners) represents the P-12 learner outcomes these new teachers will facilitate. We are confident that our candidates will enable their students to:

  • Become engaged citizens who embrace diversity
  • Develop innovative solutions and originate ideas
  • Excel in cooperative and collaborative environments
  • Display curiosity and a love of learning
  • Demonstrate understanding
  • Meet academic standards

The rings continue to be intertwined, as the P-12 learners become future teacher candidates, and the cycle repeats.