College of Education and Learning Design

Memberships, Committees, and Boards

Organizational Memberships

The College of Education and Learning Design maintains membership in several organizations that exemplify our spirit of continuous learning. As an institution that is committed to the preparation of high-quality education professionals, we utilize these memberships to stay abreast of current research in the field, collaborate with colleagues across the nation, and reflect on our own scholarship and program design.

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

Member since: 2007

AACTE is a national alliance of educator preparation programs dedicated to high-quality, evidence-based preparation that ensures teachers are ready to serve all learners. 

Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation

Member since: 2023

AAQEP is a membership association and quality assurance agency that provides accreditation and support services to educator preparation providers. Members must meet comprehensive standards for candidate performance, program outcomes, and collaborative leadership.

Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

MACTE, the Minnesota affiliated chapter of AACTE, provides leadership and advocacy for educator preparation providers across the state. MACTE also provides members with opportunities for professional growth and development. 

Minnesota Education Equity Partnership

MnEEP uses the lens of race equity to better educational institutions, organizations, and leaders, ensuring students of color and American Indian students have the opportunity to achieve full academic success. 

Committees and Advisory Boards

The College of Education and Learning Design is committed to constantly improving. We are advised by a series of standing committees that review our current offerings, protocols, and practices, as well as make suggestions for continual improvement.  

Academic Integrity Committee

The Academic Integrity Committee handles student appeals and petitions related to student academic integrity cases that are not resolved departmentally. The committee is comprised of one member from each of COELD’s five departments. 

Graduate Committee

The College of Education and Learning Design’s Graduate Committee is comprised of faculty, each of whom represents a graduate program. The Committee has a variety of responsibilities, including strategically planning and coordinating graduate programming, coordinating with the School of Graduate Studies, and disseminating graduate assistant travel funds. 

Pre-K-12/5-12 Workgroup

The PK–12/5–12 Workgroup oversees and supports the coordination of programs across colleges and academic units, as well as integration with the College of Education and Learning Design. This workgroup addresses issues that arise for these unique programs that are both content-rich and pedagogically based. Membership consists of faculty and staff representing these programs. 

Major Unit Curriculum Committee

The Major Unit Curriculum Committee is comprised of a representative from each of our departments. The committee reviews curriculum proposals for education programs and supports the curriculum approval process.  

Office of Clinical Experiences (OCE) Program Liaison Advisory Group

The OCE Program Liaison Group serves as the essential communication mechanism to and from education programs regarding all clinical placements, from early field experiences to student teaching. Liaisons provide guidance and support related to all OCE functions. 

Scholarship Committee for Dean’s Office Scholarships

This committee carries out the processes of reviewing and awarding College of Education and Learning Design dean’s office scholarships and develops related policies and procedures. 

Teacher Education Unit Council (TEUC)

The Teacher Education Unit Council is responsible for strategic planning and implementation across academic units and educator preparation entities. The TEUC also engages in unit policy development, compliance, and accreditation activities 

edTPA Advisory Committee

The edTPA Advisory Group is a working group of the Teacher Education Unit Council responsible for coordinating and developing unit-wide practices regarding implementation and tracking of edTPA efforts. 

Assessment and Accreditation Working Group

The Assessment and Accreditation Working Group is comprised of members of the TEUC. Members have a variety of responsibilities, including evaluating and coordinating program assessment tools, ensuring that PELSB and AAQEP requirements are met, and routinely reviewing unit data for continuous improvement. 

Student Complaint Process Pool

The student complaint process pool is comprised of department and student representatives. This group is charged with carrying out the student complaint process when formal complaints regarding faculty are submitted. Their work culminates in making a case-based recommendation to the dean. 

College of Education and Learning Design Strategic Planning Advisory

The College of Education and Learning Design Strategic Planning Advisory group reviews and revises the Education Unit’s strategic plan in alignment with university-wide initiatives. Members also provide guidance during workplan development in relationship to the College of Education and Learning Design strategic plan. 

Support Staff Advisory Group

The Support Staff Advisory Group is comprised of all the office managers from the College of Education and Learning Design. This group coordinates implementation of university directives, initiatives, and activities across the College and makes procedural recommendations to the dean. 

Stakeholder Advisory Bodies

Critical and constructive feedback is a cornerstone of our devotion to continued innovation. Below are the current boards that advise the College of Education and our Dean. 

Leadership Team and Dean's Advisory Council (DAC)

The Dean’s Advisory Council is the leadership team for St. Cloud State’s education unit. The Council is responsible for implementing our college’s strategic plan, as well as providing advice for college-level policies, procedures, operations, and activities. Members include the dean, department chairs, and key administrative staff. 

Dean's Graduate Student Advisory Group

The Graduate Student Advisory Group’s members offer guidance to the dean on all graduate student-related matters. 

Dean's Undergraduate Student Advisory Group

The Undergraduate Student Advisory Group's members advise the dean on undergraduate student-related matters. 

Executive Education Unit Advisory Group (EEUA)

The EEUA is comprised of the deans of the other colleges and schools at St. Cloud State, whose programs and faculty contribute to the unit's portfolio of educator preparation programs. This group considers and reviews unit operations and data, providing recommendations and feedback to the dean of the College of Education and Learning Design. 

Educator Preparation Advisory Group (EPAG)

The EPAG is comprised of professional educators, including alumni, school partners, and teacher educators, who provide feedback and engage in short and long-term planning and continuous improvement. This group makes recommendations to the dean on both unit and program-level operations. 

Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU)

TECSCU is affiliated with AACTE and is comprised of education deans at comprehensive public institutions of higher education, working together to identify and address matters of importance to educator preparation programs.