Student Government

Student Government Bylaws

Article I: Non-Constitutional Positions

A. Executive Assistant

1. Definition and Purpose
The Executive Assistant shall serve as the chief recorder and the custodian of the records of the Student Government.

2. Installation
The Executive Assistant is to be appointed by the President and confirmed by two-thirds of vote in the senate.

3. Responsibilities, Rights, and Restrictions

a. Take careful and accurate notes of the proceedings of the meetings to be used in preparation of minutes.

b. Make any corrections to the minutes as determined by the assembly.

c. Upon approval of the minutes by the Senate the Executive Assistant shall note the date of their approval and sign them to attest to their validity. This copy shall be posted in a conspicuous place within the Student Government office for review by Association members.

d. Provide the presiding officer or the assembly with the exact wording of a pending or previously acted motion.

e. Prepare a list of members and call the roll when directed by the chairperson or the presiding officer.

f. Bring to each meeting the minutes of previous meetings and search the minutes for information requested by members of the assembly.

g. Assist the chairperson before each meeting in equipping members of the Assembly with copies of the Agenda and other necessary materials.

h. Preserve all records, reports and official documents of the organization. Including, but not limited to, a signed copy of the constitution.

i. Call attention to deadlines and other actions in the minutes that have not been carried out.

j. Shall hold no other elected or appointed position within Student Government.

k. May only propose motions and participate in discussion during Student Government meetings on selection of an Adviser, on a motion to hold a special meeting of the assembly, and on motions that would suspend the agenda.

l. Shall be subject to the governing documents.

m. The Executive Assistant shall assist the president in the recruitment and placement of Association members into University Committees. The Executive Assistant shall maintain records of and obtain reports from appointments to university committees.

n. Shall serve five (5) office hours per week.

o. Shall receive a stipend as described in Article V. May not receive any external funding for any position held within student government.

p. Shall keep record of attendance of Student Government members to all Student Government related meetings.

B. Parliamentarian

1. Definition and Purpose
The Parliamentarian shall serve as legal oversight of Student Government actions, meetings, and procedures.

2. Installation
The role of parliamentarian shall be filled by the Constitutional Review Chair. The Constitutional Review Chair or the president may appoint someone to fill the position.

3. Responsibilities, Rights, and Restrictions

a. The Parliamentarian shall have the duty to advise the Chair of meetings of correct parliamentary procedure, shall see that the governing documents are upheld, and prevent legal errors and abuses.

b. The Parliamentarian shall reserve the right to suspend motions and actions of the Student Government Association and/or its members only on the grounds violation of the governing documents and refer such issues to the Judicial Council.

i. During such suspension, no action or discussion may continue on such items until the Judicial Council has made a ruling and the Chief Justice presents the findings of the Judicial Council hearing to the Student Government Assembly.

c. Responsible for having a copy of the signed constitution, bylaws and the parliamentary code.

C. Sergeant at Arms

1. Definitions and Purpose
The Sergeant at Arms is to see that the atmosphere of official Student Government meetings is adequate to the ability of the organization to carry out its work.

2. Installation
This position is to be filled by the Chief Justice or his/her appointee.

3. Responsibilities, Rights, and Restrictions

a. The Sergeant at Arms will oversee the construction of the meeting hall so that it meets the needs of the organization and the President.

b. The Sergeant at Arms will seek modifications of the meeting hall as necessary.

c. The Sergeant at arms will remove belligerent members of the organization or Gallery attendants by order of the Chair by reasonable means (asking the member to leave, calling Public Safety, etc.).

d. The Sergeant at Arms shall assist in securing integrity in elections.

D. Electioneer

1. Definition and Purpose
The Electioneer will execute and oversee all elections, internal and general.

2. Installation
The role of Electioneer will be filled by the Constitutional Review Chair or his/her appointee.

3. Responsibilities, Rights, and Restrictions

a. The Electioneer shall execute internal elections, as prescribed by the operating documents.

b. Shall chair the Election Committee in general elections.

c. Shall report to the Chief Justice with election results and a full report of election proceedings, complications, and concerns for election certification.

Article II: Ad Hoc Committees

A. Ad Hoc Committees

1. An Ad Hoc Committee is listed under special committees in the Student Constitution.

2. The president or the Executive Committee or a majority of the Senate shall have the ability to form ad hoc committees in order to:

a. Perform and present research to the Senate and its committee chairs.

b. Make proposals.

c. Carry out large-scale projects best suited to small groups on behalf of the Student Government.

d. Hear censure proceedings.

e. Any other duty deemed necessary for a committee.

3. Members of such committees may be senators, chairs, faculty members, administration, community members, field experts, or a combination of the preceding.

4. Members of committees created by the President shall be appointed by the President and confirmed by a two-thirds majority of the Senate, unless the Senate or Executive Committee gives further direction.

Article III: Decorum and Order

A. Assembly Meeting Decorum and Order

1. During meetings, the Chair has the sole responsibility to maintain decorum, with assistance of the Parliamentarian.

a. Members showing wilful Contempt to Decorum and Order may be removed from the meeting hall by order of the Chair and agreement of the Parliamentarian.

b. Members found in Contempt of Decorum and Order and removed from the meeting will be referred to the Judicial Council for disciplinary action.

2. Wilfully violating upheld rulings of the Chair or Decorum and Order could lead to disciplinary action, as outlined in the governing documents.

3. Dress Code

a. Dress at meetings shall be business or business casual to be defined and enforced by the Chair.

b. The Vice President will define the dress code at the start of their term.

4. At official meetings, there should be no consumption of food or beverage that would hinder or distract the business of the meeting.

a. No food may be consumed during open gallery.

5. Language should remain respectful at all times during student government meetings. Repeated warnings from the Chair or Parliamentarian will lead to Contempt of Decorum and Order.

6. Side conversations should be kept to a minimum and must never disrupt the meeting or the attention of other members of the Assembly.

7. The President shall email all known new resolutions, bills, and proposals to the Assembly no less than 24 hours before regularly scheduled Assembly meetings.

8. Members of the gallery should not directly converse with members of the Assembly, nor should they approach the table.

9. During hearings and plenary sessions members of the Assembly that leave the table must remain in the open gallery until welcomed back to the table by the chair.

10. Homework is not authorized at Senate meetings.

11. Members of the assembly shall not use electronic devices for personal use during Senate meetings.

a. Approved devices are at the discretion of the Chair.

B. Office Etiquette

1. Sleeping should not be done in the lobby area of the office or the computer room.

2. Respectful and professional language and behaviour must be used at all times in the Student Government office.

3. Office supplies and resources are to be used for the functions of Student Government. Other uses, not approved by the Vice President, shall be considered theft and could result in disciplinary action.

4. The Vice President and President, with consultation of the Executive Committee, shall have the power to set reasonable office policy and will have power to enforce such policy through the mechanisms prescribed in this article.

5. The Vice President may take reasonable steps to ensure office hours and policies are being enforced.

6. Student Government assigned emails are to be considered an extension of the office. The same professional expectations of the office will apply to emails.

C. Disciplinary Action

A. Constitutional removal

1. Repeated violation of the Constitution and/or duties outline therein will result in the referral to the Judicial Council for a hearing, per the Constitution.

B. Censure

Censuring shall be any act to discipline a member of the Student Government Association outside of the definitions of the Constitution.

1. The Executive Committee shall have the power to censure a member who has maliciously and wilfully shown contempt for Decorum and Order or has violated the state law, local or federal law while performing the duties of this organization, or has violated University policy while performing the duties of this organization.

a. Members that wilfully, maliciously, and repeatedly block the business of the Student Government by refusing to honour decorum and order may be suspended and any stipend may be cancelled in part or in whole after having at least once been censured.

2. The Judicial Council may censure a member who is found in wilful violation of the Bylaws or is otherwise preventing Student Government from otherwise functioning.

Article IV: Student Government Participation

A. Regularly scheduled meetings.

1. The Assembly will meet Thursdays at 5pm and as defined by the Constitution.

2. Each time a Voice Roll is called all unexcused absentees will receive a half-absence.

a. Absentees, who have informed the Executive Council of absence beforehand, even if unexcused, shall receive no more than two half-absences.

B. Committee Meetings

1. Missing one committee meeting shall count as one half absence.

2. The Chair of the committee may excuse an absence from the committee meeting.

C. Office Hours

1. Failure to complete entire required office hours for the week will be considered as one half absence.

D. Absences

1. All Student Government members are allowed 2 unexcused absences. Any additional unexcused absences are grounds for censure.

Article V: Stipends

A. Stipends for all Student Government Committees, including fee committees, and Judicial Council shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Senate.

B. Stipends are awarded at the end of each semester.

C. The following stipends shall be awarded to each respective member, granted their stipends have not been reduced or eliminated due to disciplinary action:

a. Student Government

i. President: $2500

ii. Vice-President: $1500

iii. Chairs: $300

iv. Senators: $50

v. Secretary: $300

vi. Chief Justice: $300

vii. Justices:

viii. Technology Fee Chair : $1000

ix. Technology Fee Vice Chair: $400

x. Technology Fee Members: $50

b. Senate Finance Committee

i. Chair: $1000

ii. External Vice Chair: $400

iii. Internal Vice Chair $400

iv. Members: $50

c. Fee Allocation Committee

i. Chair: $1000

ii. Vice Chair: $400

iii. Members: $50

Article VI: Non-Constitutional Senate Duties

A. MSUSA Commitment

1. Each member of the Assembly shall serve as a delegate to at least one (1) Minnesota State University Student Association conference or assembly during his/her term.

2. Absences

a. Once an Assembly member commits to attending an MSUSA event, an unexcused absence will result in one (1) full absence.

B. Retreats

1. At the discretion of the President and Vice President, there will be a retreat at the beginning of the Fall Semester and, if deemed necessary, at the beginning of the Spring Semester.

a. No less than six (6) weeks notice shall be given to members of the Assembly prior to any retreat.

b. All members of the Assembly shall attend the retreats, unless an absence is excused.

i. Failure to attend the retreat shall result in one (1) full absence.

C. Volunteer Commitment

1. All Student Government members are required to participate in two Student Government volunteer activities, or individual volunteer activities upon approval from Urban Affairs chair, per semester.

Article VII: Consultation Hearings

A. This procedure is pursuant to the Consultation Process, as outlined in the Bylaws.

B. The appropriate committee chair shall place the respective University official on the agenda one (1) week before the hearing and shall submit the agenda and relevant research and background materials to the Assembly.

C. Procedure

1. The University official will be asked to give a presentation to the Assembly and submit proposals.

2. Questions and Feedback

a. The Assembly members shall be given time to ask questions and give feedback.

b. These may be questions strictly relevant to the current consultation.

c. A member may have one statement followed by two (2) relevant follow-ups per speaking turn.

d. Speakers who have not yet spoken shall be expedited ahead of those who have.

3. Discussion and Action

a. After the question and feedback have been exhausted, or a motion to proceed has been heard, the Assembly shall thank and dismiss the University official.

b. The Assembly shall debate the proposal and may propose alternatives.

c. Possible actions (not exclusive)

i. Refer to committee for action proposal- may include directions as to what positions to take

ii. Table consultation

iii. Request another appearance of the University official with more information

iv. Create an ad hoc committee to study the issue

4. A request for a reappearance and more information or to refer to an appropriate committee may be made with a main motion or a request of the President is appropriate at any time.

a. If one or more senators have a large number of questions, and the process is becoming exceedingly long this is especially appropriate.

Article VIII: Governing Documents

A. The Bylaws are subordinate to the Constitution and superior to the Parliamentary Code.

B. To amend the Parliamentary Code, a bill must be presented and passed. A two-thirds majority of the Senate is required to amend the Parliamentary Code.

C. To amend the Bylaws, a bill must be presented and be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Senate. These Bylaws may not be suspended for any reason.

D. St. Cloud State University Student Government Bylaws are superior to the bylaws of all Student Government committees, in reference to stipends.



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