Atwood Memorial Center


See how Atwood Center has made an effort to become a sustainable hub of activity on campus and how you - the student, staff, or faculty member – can do your part for sustainability in Atwood. Learn more about sustainability in other places on campus and in general.

Sustainability – do your part for Atwood!

Water bottle fill stations

Atwood Memorial Center has a water bottle fill station on all three levels of the building.

  • Lower Level- Adjacent to lower level restrooms
  • Main Level- Near main level restrooms
  • Upper level- Adjacent to Cascade Room restrooms


Atwood has recycling containers located throughout the building.  

Farmers Market

Atwood has been hosting an annual Farmers Market since 2009. The market offers community residents and the SCSU campus many fresh, locally grown and produced items to enjoy. Atwood's market promotes sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.