Public Safety Department

Safety Tips

Safety is a top priority at St. Cloud State University

St. Cloud State Public Safety has compiled the below safety tips. You can help make campus safer by reporting any suspicious or concerning behavior to Public Safety (320-308-33333) or St. Cloud Police Department (911)

Public Safety Officers are available to assist you in protecting yourself by providing regular foot and vehicle (mountain bike, automobile) patrol and various safety and security communication; however, only you can protect yourself by being aware of your surroundings and taking appropriate steps in preventing crime.

Personal Safety

  • Download the Safe@stcloud app for additional safety features (free app)
  • Use the campus safety escort service, or make sure to walk with a friend at night
  • Always take the most well-lit route, not necessarily the quickest
  • Walk with confidence and be aware of your surroundings. If you suspect you are being followed, run in a different direction, go to the other side of the street, yell for help, or head quickly for a lighted area or a group of people.
  • Report any suspicious person or activities (Public Safety 320-308-3333 or St. Cloud Police Department 911)

  • Don’t take drinks from strangers or leave your beverage unattended.
  • Have a plan to get home safely. Know ahead of time if you’ll use a ridesharing service, a taxi or have a designated driver. Stick to that plan.
  • When dropping off friends who are intoxicated always make sure they get home safely by seeing them enter the building before leaving.
  • Set a limit and stick to it. Bring your own non-alcoholic beverages to a party or, if you choose to drink alcohol, consider alternating alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to control the amount you drink and aid in hydration.
  • Know the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning: vomiting, shallow breathing, pale skin color, passing out, etc. If you see a friend exhibiting these signs call 911 and get help. St. Cloud State has a Good Samaritan policy that offers you protection if you get help for a friend, even if you’ve been drinking yourself, so you don’t have to worry about getting in trouble.

For more alcohol safety information, visit the St. Cloud State UChoose website or click here for more information on alcohol awareness.


Burglaries and thefts are the most common crimes students face across all US Campuses.

  • Keep your personal items secure. Do NOT leave your possessions alone in public places.  
  • When leaving your room, even if just for a moment, fully secure and lock it.  
  • Do not let people follow you into your residence hall without swiping for access. Offer to call Public Safety for assistance.  
  • Download the Personal Property Inventory Sheet (pdf) to record property information and store in a secure place in case your property is lost or stolen.  
  • Park your bike in secure and well-lit areas. Always lock your bike to a bicycle rack. Several high-quality anti-theft locks are available. Case-hardened heavy (U-Bolt) locks and chains afford the best protection for security of these items.
Protect your Automobile

  • Always close your windows, lock your vehicle’s doors and never leave your keys anywhere in your vehicle
  • Activate your car alarm if your vehicle is equipped with one
  • Try to park in a well-lit area
  • Avoid leaving personal property or cash where it is visible inside your vehicle

Protecting your identity and private data

  • Be aware of Phone Scams. You will never be called and asked to provide financial information over the phone. If you get a call from a bank or credit union, tell them you will call them back. Do not call back on the number they provide. Look up the number via the company’s official website and use that number to call back.
  • Government Officials never call/email/text asking for you to pay money.
  • Do not buy gift cards for someone else.
  • Do not share your Star ID password and keep other important passwords to yourself to protect private data and financial information. SCSU will never ask for your student ID or password over email.
  • Important documents such as social security card, passport should be kept in a secure place. 

Dating Safety

  • When meeting someone for the first several times, make sure you are in a populated public place. Make sure at least one other person knows where you are and who you are with. Have your cell phone fully charged and with you.  
  • Do NOT meet them at your home, their home or any other private location. If they pressure you, cancel the date. Be in control of your own transport.
  • Be aware of what information you are sharing, never share financial information or send money.
  • Stay on the dating platform you are using. For example, Tinder says, “Keep conversations on Tinder platform while you are getting to know someone. Users with bad intentions often try to move the conversation to text, messaging apps, email or phone right away.”
  • Be wary of someone who will not talk on the phone, video call or meet in a public place. They may not be who they say they are 

Public Safety Officers are happy to provide further safety tips or classes on request. Please contact 320-308-3333 or

Active Shooter Training

Active Shooter Situation | St. Cloud State University (