Business Services

Purchasing Card

Pursuant to authority delegated and the parameters established in MnSCU System Procedure 7.3.3, St. Cloud State University has developed the following purchasing card program policies and procedures. Exceptions to local p-card program policies may be made via written email instructions from the Vice President of Finance & Administration, Business Manager, or Director of Purchasing, as long as the exceptions are within the parameters of MnSCU Board Policies & System Procedures.

When being considered for this program, the cost center must have at least $1,000 in non-salary object codes (within the scope of the purchasing card policy) and have an expected usage of at least once a month. A card with 6 months of inactivity will be purged and cancelled by Elan Card Services.

For additional assistance with Purchase Card policies and procedures please review the Purchase Card Training Guide.

The following manual has been produced to guide you through most of your purchase card needs.


Application for Purchasing Card

Cardholder Agreement

Cardholder Responsibilities

Authorized Purchasing Card Use and Spending Categories




Lost, Stolen or Unauthorized Use

Account Maintenance


Supervisor Responsibilities


Common forms