Competitive Grants
The development and submission of a competitive proposal involves many steps. The following information provides an overview of recommended strategies and practices and make you aware of the requirements of submitting a proposal at St. Cloud State University.
While the information is presented in a series of consecutive steps, depending on your timeframe, it may be necessary to execute some of steps concurrently.
The earlier you engage the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP), the more help we can provide throughout the development process.
Proposal development timeline
3 Months to 1 Month Prior to Submission Deadline | |||
1 Month to 2 Weeks Prior to Deadline | |||
2 Weeks Prior to Deadline | |||
Submission Week | |||
Contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs |
Finalize proposal narrative and budget with pre-award support staff |
Obtain University approvals to submit, coordinate submission timeline and requirements |
Research and Sponsored Programs submits your proposal |
Step 1 - Evaluate your idea or project
Obtain feedback and insights from others will assist you in developing a competitive proposal.
What is a Sponsored Program?
Most grants, contracts, and other agreements from external sources are commonly referred to as sponsored projects. Projects that meet *any* of the following criteria are considered sponsored projects and are administered through the office of Research and Sponsored Programs:
- The proposed project binds the University to a specific scope of work.
- Progress, technical, final reports or other deliverables are required.
- Billing, separate accounting procedures, or report of expenditures are required.
- Unexpended funds may need to be returned to the sponsor at the end of the project period or requested and carried forward.
- The project involves disposition of property, whether tangible or intangible, that may result from the project (e.g., equipment, records, inventions, copyrights, or rights in data).
- The project has a specified performance period or completion date.
Principal Investigator: Roles, Eligibility, and Responsibilities
A sponsored program must have a lead responsible for the implementation and outcome of the project being proposed.
Principal Investigator (PI) is the individual responsible for the preparation, implementation, conduct, and administration of a research grant, cooperative agreement, training or public service project, contract, or other sponsored projects. A PI accepts Responsibilities include the intellectual conduct of the project, fiscal accountability, administration, and compliance. Some funding agencies refer to the Principal Investigator as the Project Director (PD).
Co- Principal Investigator (Co-PI) is a senior member of the key personnel team who shares administrative, fiscal, and intellectual conduct with the PI on research projects. Some funding agencies refer to the co-Principal Investigator as Co-Investigator (Co-I).
*National Science Foundation makes no distinction in scientific stature between the designations of PI or Co-PI on a proposal/grant. Thus, principal investigators are equally responsible for the direction of the project, project implementation and reporting requirements.
PI and Co-PI status is a privilege offered to St. Cloud State University personnel with active and continuing employment status having the appropriate level of authority and responsibility to direct a sponsored program (grant, contract, cooperative agreement, sponsored project, etc.).
All persons offered PI and Co-PI authority must accept all of the responsibilities associated with the application for and administration of awarded sponsored projects. Each PI is required to certify with every proposal submission that all information provided is true and complete and that the proposal conforms to the University policies and procedures applicable to sponsored activities. This certification occurs via the Proposal Approval Form process which is require prior to the submission of a proposal to a funding agency.
Principal Investigator(s) are responsible for intellectual conduct, fiscal accountability, administration, and compliance of a sponsored program from idea to closeout.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Complete and accurate preparation of the proposals or applications, along with all necessary supporting documentation.
- Submission of these proposals/applications through the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects with the proper approvals secured through the Proposal Approval Form process prior to submission.
- The intellectual, ethical, and technical aspects of any research or project as a result of an award including oversight of all activities, and each site involved.
- Implementation of the project in accordance with funding agency guidelines and MinnState procedures.
- Training and education of all individuals working on the research/project in such areas as laboratory safety, scientific rigor, data collection and management, and scientific integrity, including, but not limited to, issues such as authorship, conflict of interest and commitment, and humans and animal subject issues.
- Compliance with the specific terms of the award and sponsored program requirements of the University.
- Fiscally responsible to expend project funds as awarded per award/agreement, regularly monitor and reconcile award budget throughout the life of the project (including cost-share or match, if applicable).
- Follow all applicable University policies and procedures such as travel, purchasing, employment, contracted services, and compensation policies.
- Adherence to other Federal regulations such as those concerning proscriptions against lobbying, financial discussions with industry funding sponsors, and as specified in the Grant Terms and Conditions of the award.
- Include Research and Sponsored Programs when communicating with funding agency concerning questions and project updates.
- Complete and submit performance/annual reporting requirements as defined by the funding agency.
- Contact Research and Sponsored Programs for award modifications.
- Protecting the University from legal liability related to the research or other sponsored project.
Discuss your idea with other stakeholders
- Discuss with your department, department chair/director and dean/vice president/supervisor* to amplify the idea and determine key concepts.
- Request feedback from colleagues and peers.
- Schedule a meeting with your contact at Research and Sponsored Programs to discuss idea/funding opportunities.
*Prior to the submission of any proposals, the internal approval process must be completed (refer to Step 6).
Consider type of funding needed to support your idea or project
- Service Contracts are based upon a scope of work to provide expertise for a list of mutually agreed upon deliverables within a given timeline.
- Grants are competitive in nature and are non-repayable funds awarded by a funding agency often a government department, corporation, foundation or trust, to a recipient (in this case, an educational institution, team, department or Principle Investigator).
- Research Grants fund research investigations made by individuals, universities, and other groups to build knowledge generation to a given field.
- Service Grants provide support for students and/or the community in areas of education, health, human services and the arts. Capital Grants provide funding for acquiring or development of capital assets.
Step 2 - Identify potential funding sources
If you have an idea for a research project or program, please reach out to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) to help find the best fitting grant and funding opportunities.
Likewise, it is common for RSP to watch for opportunities that fit the University’s mission and vision as well as each department’s mission and vision. Staff and faculty may occasionally receive correspondence on grant opportunities that meet these criteria through email communication.
Find external funding opportunities
St. Cloud State offers many resources to aid in the search for external funding opportunities.
GrantForward constantly updates their database of sponsors and funding opportunities, allowing thousands of grant opportunities to be gathered from over 9,000 US sponsors. Please sign up for a researcher profile and GrantForward will send you grant recommendations related to your field and research interests.
How to create a GrantForward Account?
How to create a GrantForward Profile?
MN Grants
MN Grants provides a single entry point to Minnesota grant opportunities. Grant seekers can search for grant opportunities by state agency or by subject area through following the appropriate link.
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Find internal funding opportunities
Internal grants are available to support St. Cloud State University faculty and staff scholars.
Step 3 - Analyze the funding opportunity you are considering
Proposal development is time-consuming, therefore, it is critical to verify that your idea/project aligns with the intention of the funding opportunity you are considering.
Understand the request/call for proposals
- Familiarize yourself with the program requirements and sponsor priorities
- Thoroughly read the proposal guidelines, application instructions, agency guidance, budgetary limitations, required attachments, formatting expectations and/or other key informational resources.
- Note any elements such as required cost-share/match, IRB requirements, limitations on the use of funds, PI or participant eligibility restrictions, etc.
- Seek clarifications or additional information regarding any points of uncertainty.
- Verify the submission deadline date and time (including time zone)
Understand your qualifications
Funding agencies consider the credibility and competence of the requester as they evaluate a proposal. The following are key components considered:
- Publication record in top journals,
- Demonstrated success in previous competitive grants,
- Institutional endorsement, and
- Proven collaborative experiences
Review and update your CV/Biographical Sketch in accordance with funding agency’s formatting requirements.
Consider contacting the program officer
- To introduce yourself and provide an overview of your proposed plan, clarify any points of uncertainty, and glean any feedback or insights that the program officer can offer.
- Email is a recommended method to initially contact with program officers. Thinking about how your project aligns with the program’s objectives, provide a concise (1-2 paragraph) overview of your project and request a brief phone conversation to discuss future.
Step 4 - Schedule a meeting with your contact in Research and Sponsored Programs
Individual(s) planning to submit a proposal on behalf of the University are known as Principal Investigator(s) [PIs] and are responsible for the preparation, conduct, and administration of a sponsored project.
Meeting discussion
At this meeting, the PI(s) will discuss the following aspects with their RSP Contact:
- the requirements of the funding opportunity,
- steps in developing your proposal,
- budgetary needs of the proposal (using the budget template, please bring a preliminary budget to the meeting)
- facilitating the internal approval process (see Step 6), and
- outlining plan for the submission prior to the deadline
Step 5 - Plan and develop your proposal
In the proposal development process, as the subject matter expert, the PI(s) author the proposal.
Engage additional stakeholders
- Build your proposal development team, enlisting additional faculty and staff members as needed.
- Contact external partners or stakeholders, if necessary based on the nature of your proposal. Identify and make a plan to secure any approvals, letters, signatures, or documents needed from external partners.
Understand roles and responsibilities of proposal development
Principal Investigator (PI) is the individual(s) leading the proposed project/program, and are responsible for the preparation, execution, and administration of a grant/contract in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and institutional policy governing the conduct of sponsored research.
- Originates the idea for research or project.
- Studies sponsor guidelines and submission instructions.
- Understands institutional policies and procedures as they relate to sponsored projects.
- Develops the implementation plan for the research or project, including personnel needed for project and corresponding effort requirements.
- Authors the proposal components required by the funding opportunity based on the implementation plan.
- Develops the project/program budget in collaboration with Dean/VP/supervisors and RSP.
- Discloses potential conflict of interest to Dean/VP/Supervisor.
- Discusses participation expectations with other stakeholders/departments.
- Requests approval from Department/Dean/VP/Supervisor for resources required for the implementation/execution of a project (i.e. equipment, space and support). If resources are not available, that support must be requested in the proposal.
- Completes the Proposal Approval Form and routes proposal for internal review and approvals, allowing for a minimum of four business days for RSP to review and obtain final approvals
Principal Investigator’s Dean/VP/Supervisors
- Assesses the alignment of the proposal with the University’s mission and vision.
- Reviews and approves the proposal budget.
- Reviews and approves any cost sharing/matching commitments, and approves the source of the cost share/matching assuring necessary commitments will be in place prior to the award.
- Reviews any potential conflict of interest and must manage, eliminate or minimize any conflicts as required by Minnesota State Statue.
Research and Sponsored Programs
- Assists in identifying funding opportunities for both general University information and specific areas of interest to research faculty.
- Assists with proposal and budget development.
- Advises PIs and University staff regarding federal, state, local government and other funding agencies' rules, regulations and procedures.
- Reviews proposals prior to submission (including revisions, supplements and continuations) for accuracy, correctness and legal sufficiency considering agency requirements and University policies.
- Communicates with PI(s) about any revisions that may strengthen the proposal.
- Reviews the Proposal Approval Form and coordinates final University approvals.
- Coordinates submission plan.
- Submits proposals that are authorized by delegated representatives of the University.
Develop your submission checklist
Typical items required for submission include (but are not limited to):
- Application Form
- Proposal Narrative/Description
- Proposal Abstract/Summary
- Budget, and justification
- Supplementary Documents, if applicable
- Bios/Resumes
- Letters of Support/Commitment
- Others, as defined by funding agency
Understanding compliance requirements associated with your project
Recommendations for successful proposal development
- Have others review your draft proposal narrative.
- Work on your budget in tandem with the proposal, making sure that your budget reflects that activities and outcomes you are proposing in the narrative.
- Discuss and secure preliminary approval for items such as faculty/staff reassignment, cost-share commitments, use of institutional facilities, research involving human/animal subjects, hazardous chemicals, etc.
Step 6 - Secure internal approvals for submission
Proposals submitted on behalf of the University require review and approval by a delegated authority with authorization PRIOR to submission. To initiate the review/approval process, please complete the following steps at least seven (7) business days prior to the funding agency's posted deadline.
Step 1. Discuss with your project and intent to apply with your department chair/director and dean/supervisor because your Proposal Approval Form will automatically be routed to them for review and approval. All approvals (signatures) are facilitated electronically in Wizehive and proposals cannot be submitted to an external funding agency for consideration without all required approvals.
Step 2. Click on "Proposal Approval Form" button to login to Wizehive using your StarID credentials.
- For assistance using Wizehive, please click on the “How to Apply Tutorial”
- Wizehive allows you to save your progress as you work on your Proposal Approval Form.
- Do not click “Submit” until your application is complete, which includes:
- Completed Proposal Approval Form application with proposal working draft and proposal budget attached.
- If applicable, Proposal Approval Form Co-PI(s) Step, ensuring all Co-PI(s) have responded.
Step 2b. If you have one or more St. Cloud State Co-PIs, complete the Proposal Approval Form Co-PI(s) Step to add Co-PI(s).
- This process will trigger a notification to your Co-PIs requiring them to acknowledged participation in the proposal.
- You can confirm Co-PI(s) have completed in Wizehive by the green box by each person’s name within the Co-PI Step section of your application.
Step 3. If applicable, confirm your Co-PI(s) have complete their Co-PI request forms. Then “Submit” your completed Proposal Approval Form at least seven (7) business days prior to the funding agencies posted deadline.
- The proposal approval form will be automatically routed to obtain the necessary approvals (signatures) from your department chair/director and dean/supervisor.
- To ensure timely reviews, it is the PI(s) responsibility to ensure department chairs/directors and deans/supervisors know their Proposal Approval Form is coming. See step 1 above.
Step 4. Once your proposal is approved for submission, Research and Sponsored Programs will be in contact to coordinate next steps to finalize and facilitate submission to the external funding agency.
Proposals requiring nomination
Eligibility of St. Cloud State University faculty and staff members for grant awards is dependent upon the funding agency’s requirements. Guidelines should be followed as posted in the applicable grant notice and application.
If a funding agency requires faculty/staff to be nominated, potential eligible candidates will be identified through the Dean’s Office of the respective college(s) with name(s) forwarded to the nominating official, which is the Associate Provost for Research, about one month prior to the application deadline. Nomination of one or more candidates will be facilitated by the nominating official in consultation with the Scholarship Research and Creative Achievement Committee (SRCA).
The Associate Provost for Research will handle the administrative responsibility related to the grant award nomination on behalf of St. Cloud State University.Step 7 - Coordinate submission plan with Research and Sponsored Program
When proposal are submitted on behalf the St. Cloud State, it is the RSP’s responsibility to review, coordinate approvals, and submit the proposal.
Proposals submitted through an online portal must be submitted through an institutional portal, not Faculty/Staff portal.
Step 8 - Await response from the funding agency
The response from a funding agency will likely take one to eight months depending on the funding agency.
Complete required supplemental processes
If your proposal is awarded
Congratulations, RSP will work with the funding agency on the award negotiation. Upon mutually agree upon terms, RSP will process your award.