Herberger Business School Internship Program

International Students & CPT

What is CPT:

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a method for allowing international students to work off campus to fulfill a course requirement. 

CPT must be tied to an HBS internship course, including 344, 444, 644, or 699.

View CPT information and CPT Request Form.

Employment Changes:

According to HBS Policy, students are not allowed to change employers during the internship semester, except in extenuating circumstances and only after reviewing those circumstances with the Internship Coordinator and subsequently receiving approval for the change. Terminating an internship mid-semester and subsequently requesting permission to enter into another internship agreement are considered employment changes and are not permissible under this policy.

Extenuating circumstances that might warrant changing employers under this policy do not include, for example, a 'better' internship site, less travel to the internship, better pay/benefits, and/or the inability to obtain a work visa with an employer upon graduation or the promise of obtaining a work visa with a new internship employer.

Note: International students are advised to discuss their strategy for selecting internship employers as it relates to work visa availability with their advisor, program director, or internship coordinator prior to beginning an internship.

If students are having trouble with an employer or the work environment, they should contact the HBS Internship Coordinator for assistance.