Herberger Business School Internship Program


Contact Information
Gretchen Huwe, Internship Coordinator
Herberger Business School
Centennial Hall Room 229
Phone: 320.308.3214
Email: hbsinternships@stcloudstate.edu

Thank you for your interest in our students and in the Herberger Business School (HBS) Internship Program.

We've been busy looking at the Internship Program and making some changes which we hope will increase the professional opportunities for our students – and for the employers who hire them. Outlined below is some of the basic information about the internship program, the students who participate, and how you can be involved in the process. This has been divided between the full-time internships and the part-time internships, although many of the forms and procedures will be the same for both. If you don’t find the answers to your questions here, don’t hesitate to contact the Internship Office directly.

Full-Time Internships

Student Requirements

Job Requirements

Employer Requirements

Part-Time Internships

Student Requirements

Job Requirements

Employer Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Internships be done anytime during the year?

Is one time of the year better than another?

Can students work part-time either before of after the Internship?

If we offer the same Internship year after year, do we need to go through the paperwork each time?

What about employee benefits?

What if we don't meet the requirements for a credit Internship?