Herberger Business School


The purpose of the Herberger Business School assessment program is four-fold:

  1. Communicate the school’s learning goals so students understand how their performance will be evaluated.
  2. Enhance the coherence and relevancy of the curriculum and improve teaching effectiveness.
  3. Comply with the AACSB International’s assurance of learning standards.
  4. Fulfill the Higher Learning Commission’s re-accreditation standards.

Faculty and staff, alumni, students, employers, and members of the school's advisory council are surveyed periodically to solicit their feedback on areas of programmatic improvement (indirect measures of assessment).

HBS Assessment Principles

  • We assess to improve student learning and performance.
  • We align learning goals and objectives with the HBS mission.
  • Our faculty drive the assessment process and are integral to its implementation.
  • We are committed to continuous improvement in both our assessment processes and student learning.
  • We will never use assessment data to evaluate individual teaching effectiveness.

Undergraduate Program

The undergraduate assessment program is managed by the HBS Assessment Committee. The committee is comprised of faculty representatives from each department. The committee is led by the faculty committee chair, Dr. Lynn Collen, and facilitated by the HBS assessment director, Dr. Chris Lepkowski. The school's assessment program is part of the university assessment process, with one representative serving on the university committee.

Undergraduate Learning Goals and Objectives

Goal 1. Students will be effective written and oral communicators.

Objective 1.1 Students will communicate effectively in writing using appropriate content, organization, expression, and mechanics.

HBS Guide to Proofreading

HBS Proofreading Video

HBS Sentence Revision Guide

Objective 1.2 Students will make an effective business presentation.

HBS Guide to Presentations

Presentation Good/Bad Examples Video

5 Tips for Delivering Great Zoom Presentation Video

Goal 2. Students will be competent problem solvers

Objective 2.1 Students will prepare and defend an effective solution to a business case or problem.

Goal 3. Students will be effective collaborators.

Objective 3.1 Students will effectively contribute to the completion of group tasks.

Goal 4. Students will be competent in the business core.

Objective 4.1 Students will demonstrate understanding of and apply core disciplinary concepts in business.

      Basic Accounting Concepts Review

Objective 4.2 Students will recognize ethical problems and present defensible ethical solutions.

See the HBS Ethics Integration web page for additional information about this program learning objective.

Objective 4.3 Students will apply global perspectives to business situations.

Goal 5. Students will be competent in their respective disciplines/majors.

MBA Program

The MBA assessment program is managed by the MBA Advisory Workgroup. The workgroup is comprised of faculty representatives from each department. The workgroup is facilitated by the MBA Director, Matt Trombley

MBA Learning Goals and Objectives

Goal 1. MBA graduates will be professional communicators.

Objective 1.1: Students will demonstrate effective written and verbal communication skills.

Objective 1.2: Students will use appropriate technology tools to facilitate effective communication in various contexts.

Goal 2. MBA graduates will be effective decision makers.

Objective 2.1: Students will demonstrate critical thinking and multi-disciplinary approaches to identify, analyze and solve global business problems.

Objective 2.2: Students will evaluate the ethical impact of business decisions.

Goal 3. MBA graduates will be leadership oriented.

Objective 3.1: Students will demonstrate understanding of leadership theories and practices.

Objective 3.2: Students will develop effective leadership skills.

Goal 4. MBA graduates will be competent in the business core.

     Objective 4.1: Students will be competent in the core business disciplines. 

     Objective 4.2: Students will be competent in their respective concentration.