Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M.S.)

Current Students

Welcome to the Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) program at St. Cloud State University!

Our CMHC program faculty are thrilled you have decided to join our program and are committed to helping you make this a positive educational and personal growth experience. Whether you are just entering the program or if you are already in the program, we wish you continued success in progressing toward your educational goals.

Here are links to some important documents that will be helpful to your success in our program. These documents help explain program expectations, policies, procedures, counselor in training-benchmarks (CIT-B) system, and introduce you to important deadlines. Download and save a copy in a safe place where you can refer to it often.

Student Handbook

Degree Maps

Student Handbook Appendices

Counselor in Training Benchmark (CIT-B) Evaluation Forms

Student Development/Remediation Process