Learning About Your Identity in a New Place

Preparing to go abroad includes more than just purchasing flights and getting courses figured out. Students need to think through their identities and the locations that they will be traveling to. As you explore your study abroad options, think through the different aspects of your identity and learn more about the location you will be traveling to. Take the time to learn about social norms, cultural views, and more that will help you navigate how aspects of your identity may be perceived where you will be going. 

It is good to also learn more about the locations for the identities below that you may not hold so you can be the best advocate while abroad. 

While researching your program location, please know that the Education Abroad office is here to help and talk through anything you find while researching. 

Considerations for Select Identities

LGBT+ Students Abroad

With more than 450 students studying abroad every year, it is increasingly important to foster and encourage LGBTQ+ students to enrich their higher education experience through study abroad, while having resources that support a safe and inclusive learning environment.

Many countries view gender identity, expression, and perception in different ways. It is important to consider how your gender identity and/or sexual orientation may have an impact on your experience abroad.

Ask Questions

  • What are some of the perceptions about LGBT+ communities?
  • Am I willing to go to a region that is not tolerant of LGBT+ identities?
  • Are sexuality and gender topics openly discussed?
  • Will I be able to use my preferred name? 


  • Know the legal consequences of open LGBT+ identities and behaviors.
  • Learn about support services at your university and within the community.
  • Understand social attitudes toward sexual and gender non-conforming identities.



Accessibility Abroad

Studying abroad has grown into an integral part of the university experience. This means many universities around the world are expanding their resources to meet the different needs of students. It is important for students who experience disability to discuss past and current mental health and/or medical concerns with an Education Abroad team member so we can provide the best support. All students who plan to study abroad are required to complete the Health Information Collection and Medical Consultation forms. Disclosing your accessibility needs to Education Abroad staff early is highly recommended.

Students registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) who are eligible for on-campus accommodation may also be eligible for accommodations overseas when it can be arranged. Any site has the potential to be accessible. Students are encouraged to speak with SAS to discuss and identify potential reasonable accommodations they may need overseas.  SAS may collaborate with Education Abroad and overseas staff as well.

Here are some thoughts to consider as you plan your journey.

Ask Questions

  • How can I plan ahead to manage my needs while abroad?
  • Do I need to bring extra equipment for my physical mobility needs?
  • Which student services should I reach out to before choosing a program?
  • If I utilize academic, medical, psychological, or other resources at SCSU, will those be available abroad?


  • Learn about physical accessibility within student housing, campus, and the host country.
  • Familiarize yourself with the host university’s physical and mental health services.
  • Ask your doctor about extended prescription refills.
  • Read about your host culture's view on disability, access, and health; just as cultures differ, so do the perceptions on disability and accommodations.


Gender Abroad

The majority of U.S. education abroad participants are women!

It is important for women travelers to consider women’s issues in other countries that are similar to those faced in the U.S. Being aware of the different cultural norms for women around the world helps facilitate an international experience that is safe and fulfilling. Here are some thoughts to consider as you prepare for your journey.

Ask Questions

  • How do I practice safety and awareness here in the U.S.?
  • What are situations that can put me in vulnerable positions when abroad?
  • What can I do if I receive unwanted attention?


  • Learn about safety and empowerment at your Pre-Departure Orientation.
  • Learn about the cultural norms and gender dynamics in your host country.
  • Get to know the support services in your university and local community.
  • Learn travel safety tips from students who have studied abroad, and your program manager.


SCSU's Women’s Center 
Office of Global Women’s Issues 
Staying Connected while Abroad 

Multicultural Student Abroad

We understand that education abroad is a different journey for everyone, as students approach this journey with unique identities and lived experiences. As a multicultural student, you may have specific questions about what to expect when studying abroad. Racial and ethnic identity play different roles in different regions of the world. Learning about the varying attitudes of multiculturalism outside of the United States. will help you navigate a host country’s social norms, and build a meaningful experience abroad.

Ask Questions

  • How is my ethnic identity perceived in the United States? Will this be different in my host country?
  • How will people in my host country respond to my identity as a U.S. citizen?
  • Will this be my first experience as a racial minority abroad?
  • How might I respond if I experience discrimination?


  • Learn about the racial dynamics of your host country.
  • Develop an emergency support and communications network.
  • If you plan on traveling, search for safe routes and places to stay.
  • Learn about U.S. politics and our relations with other nations.


Student Athletes Abroad

One of the biggest myths about education abroad is that student athletes will not be able to participate. St. Cloud State offers study abroad programs at various times throughout the year, including summer, winter, and spring break.

Studying abroad can shape your motivation, help you build long-lasting friendships, and distinguish you from your peers. There are many demands and rewards of studying abroad. With the proper planning education abroad is an opportunity to challenge yourself and excel.

Here are some things to consider as you explore your global opportunities.

Ask Questions

  • When is the best time for me to study abroad?
  • How will I stay in shape while abroad?
  • What are some non-physical skills I would like to focus on developing while abroad?
  • How can I prepare mentally and physically to return to my team?


  • Discuss your travel interests with your coach to learn about optimal times to study abroad.
  • Speak with an Education Abroad staff on ways to keep up with off-season training. You can also work with your coach on creating a workout routine before going.
  • Get connected with your host university’s athletics department.


Student Veterans Abroad

As a student who is a veteran or active duty member, you may be able to apply your educational benefits to SCSU’s education abroad opportunities. Planning ahead will ensure that we can help you optimize your international journey. Please meet with an Education Abroad team member and the Veterans Resource Center to discuss the steps you can take now.

Ask Questions

  • What are the fees that the GI Bill® covers for education abroad programs?
  • What are the documents I need to prepare in order to apply VA benefits for study abroad?
  • How can I resolve scheduling conflicts between my education abroad program and my training?


  • Meet with your academic or major advisor to create a list of courses that will apply to your degree program.
  • Determine whether or not your housing expenses will be covered by GI Bill® benefits.
  • Talk to your education abroad program manager to discuss the cost breakdown of your specific program.


Questions or Concerns?

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Contact Education Abroad Our team is here to help

Education Abroad
Email: educationabroad@stcloudstate.edu
In person: 101 Lawrence Hall