Research and Sponsored Programs

Student-Mentor Collaboration Grants

The purpose of Student-Mentor Collaboration Grants are to support students engagement in research, scholarship and creative activities. There are two categories of grants available: Scholarly Project and Professional Presentation Travel.  Students must be working with a St. Cloud State faculty/staff mentor to apply and follow the eligibility, submission, and guidelines below. Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed. Submissions to both student-mentor collaboration grant categories is strongly discouraged.

Scholarly Projects

The purpose is to support academic research and creative activity by St. Cloud State undergraduate and graduate students under the direction of a St. Cloud State faculty/staff mentor.

Applicants may apply for up to $1,000 to support materials and supplies, travel to conduct research, and other reasonable needs directly associated with the research project.

Eligibility requirements

Scholarly grant materials and submission requirements

Budgetary guidelines

Professional Presentation Travel

The purpose is to support travel to present scholarly work by St. Cloud State undergraduate and graduate students under the direction of a St. Cloud State faculty/staff mentor at professional conferences.

Applicants accepted to present at a professional conference may apply for up to $500 to support registration fees and select travel expenses. While we strongly encourage group proposals, available funding will likely limit out-of-state travel to one person per group.

Eligibility requirements

Professional presentations grant materials

Budgetary guidelines

Additional Resources