School of Graduate Studies


Graduate Studies has transitioned to fully online automated forms. View a video on using the new online forms. We will no longer accept any past PDF or paper versions of these forms. 

Students are responsible for initiating and managing the forms. Once submitted, allow time for your advisor and academic department to review your request. Once the form reaches the School of Graduate Studies, allow 10 business days for processing. An email notifying you of the decision will be sent to your St. Cloud State email and this form will be archived in your student record. You can log back into this system as needed to check your form(s) to review the My Outstanding Requests block in the upper left corner.

The section below "Other Forms you Might Need" contains links to forms and processes managed by other offices. These forms may include PDF documents for you to complete, save, and email to advisors or instructors for signatures. Once completed, submit as directed on the applicable form.

Student Forms

Directions to Complete Forms

Customize My Program of Study

Seek Registration Permission

Update My People

Submit My Culminating Project Results

My Educational Plans are Changing


Graduate Assistant Petition or Appeal

Other Forms You Might Need

Faculty Forms

All Faculty Forms