Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


While our program does not require an internship or practical experience to graduate, we encourage it because it applies the learning of the classroom to real work situations.

Steps to finding the right internship

  • Talk to your adviser. Take classes that would make you marketable early. 
  • Visit the Career Center.
    • Register at so you can sign up for campus interviews and receive job postings
    • Create a resume
    • Research internship and co-op opportunities
  • Participate in mock interviews, networking events, and career fairs
  • Check employment sections of websites for companies in communities where you want to work

You can earn credit for your internship by registering for ECE 444. You'll need your offer letter and be expected to write a paper about the experience. It will count as your senior elective.  Please contact the faculty member listed as the instructor of ECE 444 for the semester you will do the internship for more information.

Co-op experiences

More companies now offer a co-op experience lasting a semester and a summer.  We can help students who want that experience. Talk with an adviser to help you align your courses. While some students are hesitant to delay graduation, they often find these advantages:

  • The extra time often counts towards your seniority with the company and puts you out front for any jobs.
  • You have the opportunity to work on longer-term projects.
  • Better networking opportunities.
  • Good pay while you're in school.

Both programs support co-op experiences and we will work with you on your co-op.  Discuss options with your advisor.

Salary outlook

Electrical and computer engineers earn top salaries among engineering majors.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers salary survey, electrical engineering graduates averaged $73,078 a year in 2016 while computer engineering graduates averaged $69,480 a year in their initial job offers.