Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Progressing Through the Major

Completing the Major

Students pursuing the Electrical or Computer Engineering major should first complete the Block 1 courses as listed on their Degree Audit Report (DARs) with a GPA of 2.0 or better in these classes, and a GPA of 2.0 or better overall.  Those courses are:

Block 1 courses
For Electrical Engineering For Computer Engineering

GENG 101
ECE 201
ECE 210
ECE 220
ENGL 191

MATH 221
MATH 222
PHYS 234
PHYS 235
CHEM 210

GENG 101
ECE 201
ECE 210
ECE 220
ENGL 191

MATH 221
MATH 222
MATH 271
PHYS 234
PHYS 235
CSCI 201

All students must earn the grade of C or better for GENG/ECE 102, ECE 201, and ECE 220.

Once students have completed these courses with the required grades and GPA, they may proceed to take 300 level and above courses.

300 level and above courses
Senior Design
For Electrical Engineering For Computer Engineering
ECE 316 and ECE 323 ECE 314, ECE 323 and 300 level CSCI Courses
32 credits or fewer to complete the degree
Apply for graduation the semester before you start senior design

Questions?  Contact your advisor.

Who is my advisor?

Transfer Students

Transfer students with courses that transfer in as the above listed courses may start taking 300 level or above courses after consulting with an advisor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.  Transfer students who have not completed the courses listed above for their major should plan on taking the courses they lack after consulting an advisor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.

Repeat Policy

Students may make two attempts of a particular ECE department course.  For the third attempt, they must develop a success plan with the College of Science and Engineering Student Relations Coordinator, listed below, and obtain the approval of the department chair.  The Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry have similar repeat policies.  Check with those departments if you have questions.

Probation/Disqualification Policy 

  1. A student admitted into the electrical and/or computer engineering major will be placed on probation if his/her semester GPA of major courses is below 2.0 or if he/she does not take any major courses in that semester.
  2. A student will meet the requirements for disqualification from the major if he/she is on probation for two consecutive semesters.
  3. Students will be notified of probation/disqualification status by his/her academic advisor. A student will receive a warning for the first time on probation. After two consecutive semesters on probation, the student will not be able to take any new ECE class until he/she improves his/her GPA to 2.0 or more.
  4. The first time a student meets the disqualification requirements they are automatically given the opportunity to appeal.
  5. The appeal will consist of a written letter to the disqualification committee acknowledging the issue and suggesting a plan for improvement.
  6. The improvement plan will consist of a process to improve the students GPA by retaking of some or all courses with grades of less than C.
  7. The disqualification committee will consist of the department faculty as whole with no fewer than 50% of faculty voting.
  8. Generally, a “second chance” will be granted to the student after the appeal is received, given that the student and the committee agree on an improvement plan.
  9. If the student is taking or about to take senior design (ECE461/462) at the time of the appeal, the student will NOT be allowed to proceed with senior design. Any student receiving notification of disqualification status in the middle of senior design will start senior design over at the first semester.
  10. Finally, if a student meets the disqualification requirements for a second time (i.e. after the above appeal process) the student will be formally disqualified from the program.
  11. A student can be readmitted into the program after formal disqualification by meeting all of the normal program admission requirements as applied for students newly entering the program.

Get Involved

There are many great opportunities to get involved beyond the classroom.  Look for meetings of the student chapters of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), among other student groups on campus.  Also, faculty are looking for undergraduate students to work with them on various research projects.  Ask your favorite professor in the ECE Department or in the College of Science and Engineering about opportunities for undergraduate research.

Transfer students should contact the Department Chair or the Student Relations Coordinator.

Department Chair
Dr. Mahbub Hossain
(320) 308- 5319

Student Relations Coordinator