Serving SCSU Since 1993

Woman painted on muralThe St. Cloud State University American Indian Center was established in 1993 with outreach activities and educational, social and cultural programming. SCSU is proud to be one of few universities with a designated center for and about American Indian students and cultures. The AIC is a gathering place to connect with other Natives and allies to relax, network, study, inquire, collaborate, participate in activities and strengthen our community. This is a supportive gathering place that can be a home away from home while earning a college degree. The AIC is a great place to embrace indigeneity and explore intersections of cultural identities while striving for a healthy balance between school, work, family and community involvement. 

Visit us in person: 219 Atwood Memorial Center.


Lacey Lokken

Lacey Lokken

  • Director
BearPaw Shields

BearPaw Shields

  • Indigenous Learning Community Program Coordinator