Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Protocol and Forms


Protocols must be submitted at least six (6) weeks prior to a scheduled meeting. Submit the protocol electronically to the IACUC Administrator

Research, including data collection, cannot begin until you receive an approval letter from the IACUC.

Protocol Modifications

Minor Changes

Significant Changes

Protocol Continuing Review/Final Report

Protocols can initially be approved for one year with up to two one-year renewals if a Continuing Review Report is submitted to the IACUC and approved. After three years or when the project is complete, whichever comes first, a Final Report must be completed and submitted to IACUC. Submit reports electronically to the IACUC Administrator.

Guidelines for Animal Use

Animal Definition

USDA Pain/Distress Categories

Use of Non-Pharmaceutical Grade Compounds in Research Involving Live Vertebrate Animals

Guidelines for Use of Tribromoethanol (TBE) in Rodents

Euthanasia Guidelines

NIH Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Rodent Fetuses and Neonates

Guidelines for the Preparation and Use of MS-222 in Xenopus