Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Protocol Review Process

Step 1 - Prepare for Review

Step 2 - Submit protocol for review

Submit your COMPLETE. SIGNED protocol to the IACUC Administrator Incomplete protocols will delay review process.

Step 3 - Await review

Protocols must be submitted at least six (6) weeks prior to a scheduled meeting to allow for sufficient review time.

IACUC Vivarium Manager will provide you with initial review feedback (approximately 1-2 weeks after submission). You will need to respond promptly to questions/comments, edit protocol as needed, and send response and/or revised protocol to Vivarium Manager via email.

The full committee will then review protocol before the next scheduled monthly meeting. If there are significant questions/comments from the committee, the IACUC Chair will invite you to the next monthly committee meeting to respond to questions/comments.

If protocol is approved at the monthly meeting, you will receive an approval letter via email from the IACUC Administrator.

If protocol is not approved, IACUC Chair will send the committee questions/comments to you. Please respond promptly to the questions/comments and edit protocol as needed. Once complete, send the response and/or revised protocol to IACUC Chair and await response from the committee.

Step 4 - After approval

Upon receiving your approval letter from the IACUC, your research project can begin.

Changes after approval

Continuing review

Submitting a final report

Protocol expiration