Graduate Assistantships

English at St. Cloud State University offers the following professionalizing opportunities for graduate students to help finance their education through graduate assistantships. Graduate assistants at St. Cloud State receive $4,000-$9,250 of stipend for the year plus eight graduate credits of tuition remission per term, depending on the nature of the assignment. Learn more about our graduate programs.
Write Place
Positions for graduate writing consultants in the Write Place writing center are filled by graduate students who have demonstrated excellence in writing and/or professional interest in the teaching of writing.
Tutors will, among other duties, work one-on-one with student writers in person and online, present workshops to the university population, create and revise handouts related to the writing process and participate in special projects.
All graduate writing consultants are required to complete ENGL 654: Writing Center Theory and Practice in the first semester of their appointment. Tutors will take English 653: Supervised Tutoring (1 credit) for each semester they tutor.
More information is available at the Write Place.
English 191
Positions for English 191 graduate assistants are filled by graduate students in English who have demonstrated excellence in writing. These graduate assistants perform the following duties: teach one section of English 191 each semester, design writing assignments, respond to and grade student writing, consult with students during office hours, calculate and assign student grades and participate in a weekly, one-credit teaching practicum with other ENGL 191 graduate assistants.
Students in this program must be able to manage a diverse class of 25 writing students, demonstrate long- and short-term planning skills, possess effective oral communication skills and advanced critical reading and writing skills, demonstrate knowledge of the field of English and an understanding of the complexity of the English language.
TESL Program
Within the MA-TESL program, there are two English language programs where students who have English as an additional language go to continue developing their academic English language skills as they prepare for the college careers at SCSU: the Intensive English Center (IEC) and the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. Graduate assistants in TESL gain valuable, hands-on teaching and tutoring experience teaching in both the IEC and EAP while concurrently studying linguistics, second language learning, and second language teaching theory.For more information about the graduate assistantships in the TESL program, please contact Dr. Michael Schwartz at