Lindgren Child Care Center

Mission, Philosophy and Purpose


Nurturing the Future Possibilities in Each Life-Long Learner.


We believe children should receive loving care in a safe environment with an educational experience. At Lindgren Child Care Center children are challenged by age-appropriate environments and activities based on knowledge of child development and developmentally appropriate practices, implemented by professional staff.

We are committed to ensuring children’s health and safety, helping children establish trust in their environment, strengthening their self-identity and igniting their curiosity through productive, satisfying activity.

Through an excellent blend of professional staff and arranged environment, the curriculum helps children know their individuality, understand their special worth, develop self-discipline and broaden their understanding of individuals different from themselves.


Lindgren Child Care Center opened in September 1980 in response to a need for non-traditional student body for quality, on-campus child care services.

The center is administered by the Division of Student Affairs. It serves an adjunct to the child's family by providing quality care for children.