Office of the President

Leadership & Organizational Chart

President's Cabinet

Interim President Dr. Larry Dietz
Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Abbey Zink
Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement Nic Katona
Vice President for Finance and Administration Dan Golombiecki (Interim)
Vice President for Human Resources and Workplace Experience Renee Hiller
Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management & and the Division of Student Affairs Dr. Jason Woods
Vice President for Technology Strategy & Chief Information Officer Phil Thorson
Vice President for University Affairs and Advisor to the President Judith Siminoe
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion & Title IX Coordinator Chocoletta Simpson
Dean, Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) Jeanie York
Director of Athletics Holly Schreiner
Director of University Relations/Legislative Relations Bernie Omann


Leadership Teams


Academic Affairs

Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Abbey Zink
Dean of Herberger Business School Dr. Katherina Pattit
Dean of College of Education and Learning Design Dr. Mellisa Hanzsek-Brill
Dean of College of Health and Wellness Professions Dr. Roxanne Willson (Interim)
Dean of College of Liberal Arts; School of the Arts Dr. Raymond Philippot (Interim)
Dean of College of Science & Engineering; School of Computing, Engineering & Environment Dr. Adel Ali
Dean of School of Graduate Studies and Associate Provost for Research and Sponsored Programs  Dr. Claudia Tomany
Dean of University Library Rhonda Huisman
Dean of University College and Associate Vice President for Student Success Dr. Feng-Ling Johnson
Director of Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Dr. Janet Tilstra (Interim)
Director of Online and Distance Learning Davidson Blanchard
Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Academic Quality Dr. Michele Mumm
Associate Vice President for International Studies Shahzad Ahmad
Executive Director of Academic Resources Brandon Johnson


Advancement and Alumni Engagement

Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement Nic Katona
Associate Vice President for Philanthropy vacant
Senior Director for Stewardship & Advancement Operations Kristin Hatten
Director of Finance Connie Robinson
Director of Alumni Engagement vacant


Division of Student Affairs

Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Jason Woods
Dean of Students vacant
Director of American Indian Center Lacey Lokken
Executive Director of Atwood and Campus Involvement Tommy Balicky
Executive Director of Career Center Hailey Olson (Interim)
Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Dr. Jennifer Rocheleau Dorholt
Director of LGBT Resource Center Charlie Curtis
Medical Director of Medical Clinic Dr. Brent Nielsen
Director of Multicultural Student Services Shahzad Ahmad
Executive Director of Residential Life Kevin McDonnell
Director of Veterans Resource Center Kristin Hughes (Interim)
Director of Women's Center Dr. Heather Brown


Finance and Administration

Vice President for Finance and Administration Dan Golombiecki (Interim)
Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management Mark Hedlund
Associate Vice President of Finance & Administration Dan Golombiecki
Director of Business Services Kyle Welch
Director of Campus Dining Services Tess Walker
Husky Bookstore Manager Julie Eklund


Planning and Engagement

Vice President for Planning and Engagement vacant
Director of Analytics and Institutional Research vacant
Office of Assessment and Accreditation Holly Evers


Strategic Enrollment Management: 

Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management Dr. Jason Woods
Associate Vice President for Strategic Communication Dr. Brandie Yale
Dean of University College and Associate Vice President for Student Success Dr. Feng-Ling Johnson
Director of Concurrent Enrollment Maria Wright
Director of Financial Aid Elizabeth Brooks
Director of TRIO | Student Support Services Kenard Booker
Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions Maria Wright
Registrar and Student Records Tim Meendering
Analytics and Institutional Research Anthony Kunkel
Solutions Specialist / Relationship Manager Mark Monn


University Affairs

Vice President for University Affairs and Advisor to the President Judith Siminoe
Director of Public Safety David Schnettler
Director of Safety, Emergency and Risk Management Kevin Hammond