Advanced Leading and Learning for the Next Generation

You'll enjoy a practitioner-focused curriculum that can lead to three administrative licensures —

  • K-12 Principal
  • Special Education Director
  • District Superintendent

No matter which licensure you are pursuing, you will receive training in a core of professional leadership courses and academic experiences appropriate to your program. All three programs include coursework leading to eligibility for administrative licensure and is accredited by the Minnesota Board of School Administrators (BOSA).

This program is student-centered and provides advanced principles of leadership to guide the practice of educational leaders so they can meet the needs of all learners and achieve more equitable outcomes. As learning organizations and society continue to evolve, this program is intentionally designed to ensure that educational leaders are ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of today and the future.

Upon completion of the EDAD Specialist degree, a graduate may choose to pursue an Applied Doctoral (Ed.D.) program.

This program is delivered on campus, online plus - hybrid model to meet the needs of our professional learners.

The Minnesota Board of School Administrators (BOSA) oversees and ensures the quality of school administrator preparation in the state of Minnesota.  The College of Education and Learning Design has four educational administration programs approved by BOSA:

  • Principal K-12;
  • Superintendent;
  • Director of Special Education; and
  • Director of Community Education

Career Outlook