Maureen Tubbiola
Maureen Tubbiola is department chair and professor of biological sciences at St. Cloud State University. She teaches many courses related to human biology and advises students pursuing careers related to medicine.
She began teaching as a graduate student and has held full time faculty positions at the University level since 1995. This includes teaching at the University of Minnesota, Morris, a tenured position at the University of Great Falls, Montana, a semester with St. Cloud State in Alnwick, England, and her position at St. Cloud State. Her research field is the neuroendocrinology of reproduction.
Tubbiola teaches a wide range of university students; introductory non-science majors, freshman level biology courses, upper division undergraduate biology courses, and graduate students in biological sciences.
Her professional experience also includes work as an electron microscopist/histologist at the University of Utah, and post-doctoral researcher at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia.