Ethnic, Gender and Women's Studies


Learning is an active, multidimensional process that occurs both inside and outside the traditional classroom. The Gender and Women’s Studies Program highly values the application of course content to the communities in which we live. Participating in internships offers an invaluable opportunity for you to deepen your understanding of social power dynamics and social change by working closely with a local, regional, national, or international organization.

Benefits of an internship

  • You can learn firsthand how power dynamics affect people’s everyday lived experiences and how nonprofit organizations work to shape positive change.
  • Provide our students with opportunities to contribute toward a more equitable society.
  • Extremely effective way to integrate theory and practice. 

Where to intern

Internship sites can range from community activist or arts organizations to governmental agencies to public charities to educational settings to research groups. The selection of the internship site depends on the combination of student skills and interests, site availability and needs, and student and program learning goals.  

Receive class credit

Internships can be taken for up to 4 credits to count toward the Gender and Women’s Studies major or minor. In some cases, a Practicum may also be appropriate, and students may count up to 3 practicum credits towards their Women’s Studies degree.

For more information, please contact the Gender and Women's Studies Director, Beth Berila.

Note: Several majors that are commonly paired with Gender and Women’s Studies majors and minors, including Psychology, Social Work, and Sociology, also require or encourage internships.  If this is the situation with you, talk with your advisors in Gender and Women’s Studies and in your major discipline to explore the possibility of double-counting some internship credits.