Judy C. Pearson Department of Communication Studies

Transfer Information

The department welcomes students who have completed Communication Studies courses at other universities. Courses may be transferred into the Communication Studies major or minor programs with the following restrictions:

  • All Transfer Majors must complete at least one-third of their Communication Studies credits in the Communication Studies Department at SCSU. Transfer majors must take all of these credits at the 300/400-level. A minimum of six of these credits must be taken at the 400 level, three of which must be completed by taking CMST 411 or 412. All other requirements for the specific major selected by the transfer student must be met either by courses taken in this department or by equivalent courses transferred in by the student. CMST 444, 491, 492 and independent studies do not count toward the 300/400-level requirement.
  • All Transfer Minors must complete at least fifty percent of their Communication Studies credits in the Communication Studies Department at SCSU. Transfer minors must take all of these credits at the 300/400 level and at least three credits at the 400 level. All other requirements for the selected CMST minor option must be met either by courses taken in this department or by equivalent courses transferred in by the student. CMST 444, 491, 492 and independent studies do not count toward the 300/400-level requirement.

Forms for Course Transfer

Application for Exemption - This form should be used by students desiring a class taken at another institution to transfer specifically as equivalent to CMST 192. 

Request for Transfer Equivalency - This form should be used by students transferring from another institution who desire communication studies (speech) courses taken there to transfer as equivalent courses offered in the CMST curriculum at SCSU. (Not to be used for CMST 192).