Athletes for Success in the Classroom

COVID 19 Resource Guide

WE are ALL in this TOGETHER

This upcoming school year will bring new challenges academically. The Richard Green House, which is part of the department of Multicultural Student Services, is here to help serve and provide students with the right tips and resources to succeed in the classroom. Below are strategies that will be covered to provide students support for the upcoming academic year.

  1. Create a routine
  2. Stay organized
  3. Do NOT multitask
  4. Make the most of technology
  5. Work as a team
  6. Know it is OK to feel anxious
  7. Ask for help

1. Create a routine

Creating a routine can help manage stress levels, form good habits, and improve health. During these times, it is crucial to maintain healthy habits and creating a routine can help with just that. Replicate this school year as you would have in the past. Here are some tips to help establish a routine:

  • Wake up, get dressed – waking up at a regular time each morning can help develop a healthy Circadian Rhythm. Although you may not physically be going to class, getting dressed is a great way to jump start your day.
  • Create a dedicated workspace – this workspace should NOT be your bed. Find a workspace that is located in an environment with the fewest distractions. Keep in mind that a chair and desk with natural light can help optimize your workspace.
  • Stay active – exercise is crucial to sustain a healthy mind and body. It also aids in relieving stress. Even a brisk 20-minute walk each day can help.
  • Why Daily Routines are Important

2. Stay organized

Staying organized is the key to success for the upcoming year. Some classes may be hybrid style, so it is your duty to organize and know when you may be in class or when class is via Zoom or another online delivery.

  • Set reminders – you can easily set yourself reminders on your cell phones. When you know you have a Zoom lecture or group meeting coming up, this is the perfect time to give yourself a little reminder.
  • Set a schedule – using a planner either on your laptop, phone, or a notepad can help keep you organized. If you are one who has not used a planner in the past, this year may be the year to start incorporating one to help you stay organized.
  • Free College Schedule Maker

3. Do NOT multitask

Multitasking can present even more stress on your mind and body. You will be more likely to make mistakes, remember less, and spend more time on assignments. Instead, focus on these strategies to help you avoid multitasking.

  • Monotasking – this is the concept to focus on one thing at a time.
  • The Magic of Monotasking
  • Take breaks – taking breaks between each assignment can help refresh and refocus the mind. Aim for 5- or 10-minute breaks for every 25- or 50-minute periods of work.

4. Use of technology

Most classes will be using some sort of online program where students are responsible for turning in assignments, watching lectures, or hosting group meetings. Therefore, it is important that every student has access and can become familiar with the platforms they are using. Here is what you will NEED in order to succeed in the virtual classroom.

  • Computer – in order to do your work in a remote setting, it is a necessity to have some sort of computer on hand. Please contact us or HuskyTech with any questions.
  • Webcam – you will need a webcam if the computer you have now does NOT have a camera already built into it. Most likely, you will be having lectures via Zoom.
    • BE AWARE of the following regarding the use of webcams:
      1. Headphones – be aware of unwanted noises that can disrupt lectures. To avoid any unwanted background noise and echoes during video lectures, a set of headphones can fix it. Also, when you are not speaking, simply muting your mic can help eliminate echoing.
      2. Background Setting – be aware of the setting in which you choose for video lectures. Consider your choice of backgrounds and avoid having any other people in your video to limit distractions.
      3. Clothing – dress appropriately for video lectures to avoid distractions. Ask yourself if you are wearing appropriate clothing as if you were in a class setting.
  • Downloaded Software – you will need specific software in order to complete your classes online. Visit the ITS Software page to get access to the software needed during COVID-19.
    • Browser (Chrome or Firefox)
    • Microsoft Office
    • Microsoft Teams – Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Outlook, Teams
    • Google Hangout/Meet

5. Work as a team

What works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else. Therefore, you need to be your own advocate and explore different strategies that can help with your success.

  • Schedule meetings – whether it is in person or via Zoom, meeting with classmates regularly can help you towards success in the classroom. Every other student is going through these hard times together; therefore, working with one another can help enhance your learning experience.
  • Do NOT procrastinate – don’t wait until the last minute to complete projects. Instead, organize a plan to work on small areas of the project at a time. This will help avoid any last-minute scrambles.
  • Set a purpose – before each meeting even starts, make it a priority for one another to know what exactly each person can and will bring to the table. If you set up a meeting without any intentions, most likely that meeting will be useless, and time will be wasted.

6. Know it is OK to feel anxious

Again, we are all in this together. If you are feeling anxious, most likely one of your peers are too. Here are some tips that can help manage some of these feelings.

  • Reach out – if you feel stressed it is okay to reach out to faculty and classmates as needed. Explain your situation, thoughts, and feelings. Due to the current circumstances, faculty members will understand and be more than willing to work with you.
  • Stay connected – keeping in contact with close family and friends can help push away any anxiety you may be feeling at the time.
  • Just breathe – engaging in any form of meditation or deep breathing can help sooth the mind and body from any unwanted thoughts or feelings.

7. Ask for help

Know that there are multiple services here on campus that can help support you with anything you may need. There may be times this school year that are stressful but know that there is always someone on the other end to help.

  • Talk to faculty – faculty members here on campus are always more than willing to help out.
  • Use resources – SCSU offers many different resources to students. Whether you have concerns about your academics or health, there will be someone in that department that you can reach out to for help.

** Keep in Mind

What works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else. Therefore, you need to be your own advocate and explore different strategies that can help with your success. Find what works best for you and let’s succeed together!

Additional resources found on campus:

Helpful tips that will benefit you while in pursuit of your degree at St. Cloud State University:

Freshman Year

  1. Participate in student organizations and volunteer activities to increase your employability.
  2. If you are undecided in your major, begin developing a list of interest and skills that you posses. Explore the programs offered at St. Cloud State University and talk with an academic advisor to learn more about fields that are inline with your career goals.
  3. Research scholarship opportunities, consult the Financial Aid office room 106 to help get you started.
  4. Meet with your advisor on a regular basis, don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.
  5. Register with the Career Center.
  6. Get to know your Professors and other staff and develop your network of support.
  7. Start building your resume
  8. Most importantly HAVE FUN!

Sophomore Year

  1. Begin looking at internship opportunities (Career Center).
  2. Act quickly on internship opportunities.
  3. Further develop your resume.
  4. Critique your resume with Career Center.

Junior Year

  1. Begin your job search and be sure to check out job opportunities at Career Center.
  2. Gather information on potential job opportunities and do research on those companies that are of interest to you.
  3. Begin writing interest letters to companies.
  4. Polish your resume.
  5. Attend Job and Internship Fairs.

Senior Year

  1. Attend interview seminars.
  2. Register with the Career Center if you haven't already.
  3. Actively begin your job search.
  4. Attend Job and Internship Fairs
  5. Meet with your advisor to make sure you have met all of the required course work for graduation.
  6. Apply for Graduation.
  7. Consult the Career Center for more job hunting advice.
