Undergraduate Placement Testing

ACCUPLACER Exams & Score Requirements

ACCUPLACER tests do not have fixed passing scores, so you cannot fail a placement test. A placement test merely determines what courses you would be best to start with when you begin college.

The score requirements vary depending on the course you wish to test into. All of the scores on the ACCUPLACER exams are provided on a scaled scoring system. For example, if you get a question right, you will be given a slightly harder question; if you get a question wrong, you will be given a slightly easier question.

Below, are the minimum Accuplacer scores required for the corresponding courses.

Next Generation Reading 

The ACCUPLACER Next Generation Reading placement test measures four broad knowledge and skill categories: information and ideas (reading closely, determining central ideas and themes,
summarizing, understanding relationships), rhetoric (analyzing word choice rhetorically, analyzing text structure, analyzing point of view, analyzing purpose, analyzing arguments), Synthesis (analyzing multiple texts) and vocabulary.

Department of English

ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension table
250+ ENGL 191
BELOW 250* Required: ENGL 190 and COLL 120


English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

The ACCUPLACER English-As-A-Second Language (ESL) Listening test measures the ability to listen to and understand one or more people speaking in English. Conversations take place in a wide range of locations including lecture halls, grocery stores, and libraries.

The ACCUPLACER English-As-A-Second Language (ESL) Reading Skills test measures a student's ability to read English through the comprehension of short passages.

Please visit the EAP Department's site for more information on these exams. 

English for Academic Purposes




ACCUPLACER Exam Score Eligible Courses for Registration
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS) 255+ MATH 072, MATH 103 -or- STAT 103
Intermediate Algebra 60+ MATH 112106201
65+ MATH 115 -or- STAT 219239
Advanced Algebra and Functions 245+ MATH 112196201
250+ MATH 115 -or- STAT 219239
255+ MATH 113211
263+ MATH 221271

Department of Math

How to Schedule

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