Individuals or groups that live the idea of MLK Every Day

The Humanitarian Awards elevate groups or individuals of all ages who are largely unrecognized for their innovative service or community outreach in our surrounding area. The awards celebrate those who live the idea of MLK every day as well as who inspire us and incorporate service in their lives in ways that are unexpected or filled with care. All age ranges accepted.

Living MLK Every Day in their mission:

Beloved Community “Our goal is to create a beloved community and. this will require a qualitative change in our souls. as well as a quantitative change in our lives.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.


Unrecognized Impact / Unrecognized Champions

Examples of organization that currently serve our community in ways that are well known and recognized include United Way, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Services, and TriCap. We all know and greatly appreciate their contributions and impact.

Innovative Service – Everybody Can Serve and Community Healing

Examples include Grant writing, Organizing events, Fundraising for a Cause, Use of voice to bring attention to injustice (through Social Media, Community Organizing, etc.), Changing the way businesses are run.

Community Outreach

Working with Communities in need (examples include LGBTQ, Advocacy, homelessness, children/youth, sexual assault victims/survivors, Indigenous people, African Americans, Latinx, Somali, Asian, etc.).

Local Focus

Engaging in community outreach/service within Central Minnesota.

Nominations Process 

Submitting a nomination

Nomination period has closed


Notifying Award Winners

  • Winners will be notified in advance of the event, which takes place on January 15, 2024.
  • Winners will be invited to attend the event to accept their award.

Past Recipients