Huskies in the High School (HHS)

Faculty Responsibilities

St. Cloud State faculty partners are expected to be engaged with their assigned Huskies in the High School teacher and Huskies in the High School courses. You will need the approval of your department/college to become a faculty partner.

Faculty partner responsibilities include:

  • Facilitate course-specific trainingFOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL PARTNERS ONLY
  • Approve final course syllabus and required materials such as textbooks
  • Facilitate or approve annual discipline-specific professional development for each high school partner
  • Complete one class observation (site visit) per instructor while course is in session
    • Faculty partners partnered with new high school instructors must complete a site visit during the high school instructor’s first year teaching through the program and/or first year teaching a new course (i.e. added a new level of math or language).
    • Faculty partners that are partnered with the same high school instructor with a site visit report on file from the previous year may continue site visits every other year.
  • Host campus visit at St. Cloud State University while university courses are in session (to ensure staffing and lively student experience).
    • This is optional for some disciplines and required of others. Each academic department determines campus visit requirements.
    • All campus visitors must abide by safety guidelines and mandates in place.
  • Maintain ongoing collegial interaction with high school partner throughout the course
  • Post final grades to e-services within ten days of last day of high school course

Forms for these requirements can be found on the Huskies in the High School Faculty Partner D2L Site.