Strategic Media Communications (M.S.)

What to Expect

This online program will have regular advising appointments on ZOOM with the graduate program director and culminating project chair.

Students can choose from three paths most appropriate to their needs and career aspirations by earning a:

The MS in Strategic Media Communications includes all courses in the certificate programs, plus a capstone course in which students finalize and defend their culminating project the last semester of study.

The Master’s Degree in Strategic Media Communications can be completed in 5 semesters with 2 courses per semester. The sequence of MCOM courses is as follows:

Fall 1

Spring 1


Fall 2

Spring 2

602 Foundations

565 Design

610 Multimedia Storytelling

620 Digital Content Strategy

640 Social Media & Data Analytics

660 Leadership

560 Applied Research

650 Global Strategy

580 Campaigns

699 Capstone

In addition to the course sequence, students will begin work on their culminating projects in the second semester of study. Initial work will be non-credit bearing.

The final semester, students will enroll in MCOM 699 Capstone (3 credits) to finalize the project plan report and to defend their plan in a formal presentation.

Guidelines for culminating project completion are as follows:

Fall 1

Spring 1


Fall 2

Spring 2

Begin coursework

Project topic approval

Project chair selection

Project literature review and proposal development

Project proposal approval

Primary research

MCOM 699 Capstone

Formal project plan

Project defense