Strategic Media Communications (M.S.)

Culminating Project

As partial fulfillment of the M.S. in Strategic Media Communications, students will complete a culminating project consisting of an Applied Strategic Media Communication Plan and defense.

Students will develop a plan to address a problem or issue in the discipline of strategic communication. The plan will be directly applicable to improving the internal or external marketing communications of an organization, process, service, procedure, idea, or product.

The Master’s Degree candidate will:

  • Clearly define the problem or issue to address or solve through the applied project.
  • Investigate and report past and current methods or practices used to solve the problem.
  • Access and report an adequate review of literature related to their inquiry.
  • Design and conduct primary research.
  • Develop a comprehensive project plan and defend the plan.

Students will begin work on their culminating projects in the second semester of study, including developing a proposal as well as designing and conducting research. This work will be non-credit bearing.

The final semester of study, students will enroll in MCOM 699 Capstone (3 credits) to finalize the project plan report and to defend their plan in a formal presentation.