Facilities Management

Building Maintenance and Repair

Routine preventative maintenance and repairs are provided by various trade craft workers, such as plumbers, electricians, and carpenters. If you would like to request a repair, please submit a service request. Work orders are scheduled by date received, urgency of request, and availability of appropriate staff.

Energy Management and HVAC

The Energy Management System (EMS) provides computerized control of HVAC systems and much of the exterior lighting on campus. The EMS is programmed to accommodate building schedules which have been provided to Facilities Management by various offices across campus. The schedule is reviewed and revised weekly for special events or changes. Control systems can usually be rescheduled by calling 308-3166 and informing the operating engineer. In general, if you want systems turned on, you must provide a specific time for them to be returned to normal operation. Your care in energy use on campus will save resources and money.