Employment Procedures

Faculty & Coaches (Full-Time, Probationary/Tenure Track or Fixed-Term)

Hiring Procedures

Position Authorization

Search Committee Assembly

Notice of Vacancy (Including Affirmative Action Recruitment Plan Content/Advertising Summary)

Search Committee Tasks and Training

Application Review / Interviews / Selection

Hire / Payroll Deadlines / Search Close

Coaches & Assistant Coaches (Faculty, 4-yr or 2-yr fixed-term, respectively)

Position authorization process for conducting a coach or assistant coach search is below. All other steps follow the Faculty Hiring Procedures above.

Position Authorization

Other Special Notes and Requirements

Head Coaches for Level 1 Sports (Basketball, Football, Ice Hockey, Volleyball)

Head Coaches for Level 2 Sports (Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Swimming, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Cross-Country Skiing, Spring Track)

Head Coaches for Level 3 Sports (Cross-Country Running, Nordic Skiing, Golf, Tennis, Winter Track)

Assistant Coaches - All Levels