ACCESS S-STEM Scholarship

All scholarships have been awarded
The Academic Collaboration and Coordination Model to Ensure Student Success in STEM (ACCESS STEM) partnership has earned the National Science Foundation’s Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM) grant to provide scholarships to students at St. Cloud State and three partnering Minnesota State community colleges.
The five-year $5 million dollar project recruits and supports at least 100 academically high-achieving documented need students.
St. Cloud State and partnering community colleges work with the ACCESS STEM scholars on career pathways exploration, helping students find internships and jobs within STEM fields.
The institutions also provide academic support services to ACCESS STEM scholars including tutoring and instruction on research methods.
S-STEM scholarship recipients will be selected by St. Cloud State University. In order to be considered, applicants must:
- Be citizens of the United States, Nationals of the United States (as defined in Section 101 (a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act), aliens admitted as refugees under Section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence;
- Be a new entering first-year student in Fall 2020 and be enrolled full time in a program leading to a STEM degree at the associate or baccalaureate level. Enrollment must be full-time for each semester a student receives a scholarship; Students at the community colleges need to transfer to St. Cloud State to get the last two years of their scholarship.
- Demonstrate academic potential or ability: High school GPA above 3.0; a minimum ACT Math score of 22 or above; a SAT score of 530; Accuplacer Intermediate Algebra score of 60; a college level math score of 50; Advanced Algebra and Functions score of 245; or a MCA Math score of 1158.
- Eligibility of Documented Need as determined by the completion of their FAFSA.
Applicants will need two letters of recommendation from academic professionals, one of which should be a STEM teacher in their high school.
Applicants will need to write a 500 word essay around their career goals.
Finalists for the scholarship will be interviewed by the selection committee.
Eligible STEM programs within the following departments:
Atmospheric and Hydrologic Sciences
- Hydrology (BS)
- Meteorology (BS)
- Earth Science (BA)
- Environmental Engineering (B.S)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Concentrations in Biochemistry and in Biotechnology) (BS)
- Biology (BS)
- Biomedical Sciences (BS) (excluding pre-professional programs)
- Ecology and Field Biology (BS)
- Biology BES
Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Concentrations in Biochemistry and in Biotechnology) (BS)
- Chemistry (BS) (Concentrations in Biochemistry, Chemical Physics, and Environmental Chemistry)
Computer Science & Information Technology
- Computer Science (BS)
- Cybersecurity (BS)
- Software Engineering (BS)
Electrical & Computing Engineering
- Computer Engineering (BS)
- Electrical Engineering (BS)
Environmental & Technological Studies
- Manufacturing Engineering Technology (BS)
- Environmental Science (BS)
Mathematics & Statistics
- Mathematics (BA)
- Statistics (BS) (Concentrations in Data Analytics, Data Science, and Mathematical Statistics)
Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering (BS)
- Manufacturing Engineering (BS)
Physics & Astronomy
- Physics (BS) (Concentrations in Astrophysics, Electro-Optics, Engineering Science, Mathematical Physics, and Professional Physics)
Transfer information
Transfer Guides
Transfer guides are available through the College of Science and Engineering.
More information is also available through Transferology.
St. Cloud State Team Members
- Dr. Adel Ali
Dean, College of Science and Engineering
Wick Science Building, 145
(320) 308-2192 -
Dr. Christopher Kvaal
Professor of Biology
Wick Science Building, 230
(320) 308-4138 -
Dr. Mark Petzold
Professor of Computer Science
Engineering and Computing Center, 244
(320) 308-4182 -
Dr. Melissa Hanzsek-Brill
Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Engineering and Computing Center, 157
(320) 308-2282 - Lois Schindler
ACCESS STEM Project Coordinator
Wick Science Building, 161
(320) 308-2156
Application Information
Required information
What you’ll need to complete the application:
- Letter of intent stating institution(s) you are applying to, GPA and Qualifying Math Score (step 3)
- Two letters of recommendation – one must be from a science, technology, engineering or math teacher who had you in class. (step 4)
- 500 word personal statement (step 5)
Step 1: College Application
Step 2: FAFSA
Step 3: Letter of Intent
Write a letter of intent stating:
- Which institution(s) you are applying for admittance and scholarship consideration
- High School GPA
- Math Score
Step 4: Academic References
Ask two academic professionals to serve as references and write letters of recommendation.
- One of the letters must be from a science, technology, engineering or math teacher whom you have had.
Step 5: Essay
Write an essay (~500 words) in either Word Document (.doc or .docx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file.
- Describing your academic and career goals – the more concrete, the better.
- Obstacles & difficulties that you have faced or are facing – and what you have done or are doing to overcome them?
- How will you accomplish your goals and how will past experiences help you accomplish your future goals?
Your essay will be judged based on how successfully you articulated your goals, plans to accomplish your goals and the character traits you demonstrate.
Step 6: Submit Application
Send all the above information in one email to (preferred) or mail to:
Lois Schindler
Grant Coordinator
St. Cloud State University
720 4th Ave South WSB #161
St. Cloud, MN 56301
Finalists for the scholarship will be interviewed by the selection committee.
For more information, contact:
Lois Schindler
Wick Science Building 161
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1742517. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).