Tutoring Centers
About Our Tutoring Services
The College of Science and Engineering Tutoring Centers open the second Wednesday of the semester and remains open through finals week. Tutoring sessions are not held when classes are not in session, including snow days, holidays, academic breaks, and summer. If you are in need of tutoring services for summer courses please contact individual departments for information regarding availability of tutors.
Navigating our tutoring services:
- Each area have calendars with available times and locations.
- All sessions are drop-in with no appointment required.
- Tutors will respond to questions on a first-come/first-served basis; all participants will benefit from the review.
- The Tutoring Centers prioritize support for subjects identified as being in high demand.
Select a calendar below to view available times and locations of the tutors for that area. The calendars note if the tutoring session is in-person or online using Zoom with the meeting information provided. Pro tip: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers are recommended for accessing the schedule calendars.
Tutoring Centers
Preparing for Your Tutoring Session
Students in the
- Tutoring is primarily for students in 100- and 200-level courses.
- Assistance for 300- and 400-level classes is not guaranteed. We advise making an office appointment with your professor.
- Tutors do not complete homework for students.
- Tutors cannot instruct students about content students missed while absent.
- Students check-in when they arrive and check-out as they leave.
- The tutoring spaces may be used by study groups.
Where Do I Go for Tutoring?
- Math Skills Center: CH 224
- Atmospheric Science: WSB-119
- Biology: WSB 202-1
- Chemistry, Mathematics
and Physics: ISELF 332 - Computer Science: CH 14A
- Math Education: TBA
- Engineering, Statistics, and Hydrologic Sciences: ISELF 230
Tutoring Coordinator