Judy C. Pearson Department of Communication Studies

Community Engagement


As a Communication Studies student, you will have the opportunity to participate in nationally recognized programs focused on various communication strategies. You will be able to apply what you have learned in the classroom to real-world situations, working to make a difference in the St. Cloud community and beyond.

Problems in Intercultural Communication

Students who take CMST 339 Problems in Intercultural Communication meet with high school students to dialogue about strategies for building cultures of peace. The service learning component of this course brings together students from five to seven high schools in Central Minnesota and a high school from Kenya via Skype technology. This program has won local and state awards as well as national recognition.

Health Communication

Students who take CMST 460 Health Communication volunteer for local health service organizations such as hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice care centers. During their 30 hours of volunteer time, students engage in conversation with clients listening to their dreams and fears and learn how to communicate in health care settings.

Theory and Practice of Mediation

After completing this course, students have the opportunity of mediating disputes at North and South Junior High Schools in St. Cloud. Once a week, trained volunteers go to these schools to mediate disputes between students about bullying, name calling, rumor spreading, and physical fights. The staff at these schools report that the students who participate in these mediation sessions are much less likely to get into trouble again. The mediation sessions are helping them learn more constructive ways to deal with disagreements.