College of Science and Engineering


The College of Science and Engineering’s programs are housed in the following four facilities:

College of Science and Engineering Centers and Outreach

Department Specific Facilities


  • Greenhouse
  • Herbarium
  • Microbiology Lab
  • Cell and Tissue Culture Lab
  • Phytoplankton Lab
  • Lab for Reproduction Research and Endocrine Analysis
  • Aquatic Toxicology Lab
  • DNA Sequencing and Analysis Center
  • Yeast Molecular Genetic Lab
  • Histological Lab

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Computer Simulation & CAD Lab
  • Digital Signal and Image Processing
  • Analog and Digital Communication
  • Control and Motion Control
  • Circuit and Analog Electronics
  • Digital Circuit and Microprocesser
  • Computer Software Development
  • Electromagnetics/Power Electronics/Senior Design Lab