School of Education - Accreditation Self-Study Report

Standard 3: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Field Experiences and Clinical Practice

Candidates at SCSU must meet entry criteria for clinical practice (Exhibits 3.4.e.8; 3.4.e.9; 3.4.e.10; 3.4.e.11; 3.4.e.12; 3.4.e.13; 3.4.e.14). SCSU implemented revised teacher education admission criteria in 2013, including revised eligibility for student teaching. An appeals process was also implemented, giving candidates the ability to present extenuating circumstances and plans for success.

Candidates in our programs have early field experiences in which they participate in all aspects of the classroom. Field experiences are aligned with course objectives and candidate performance is assessed (Exhibits 3.4.f.1; 3.4.f.2; 3.4.f.3; 3.4.f.4; 3.4.f.5; 3.4.f.8; 3.4.f.9; 3.4.f.10; 3.4.f.11; 3.4.f.12). Candidates have experiences at multiple grade levels over the course of their program (Exhibit 3.4.b.10). The OCE makes over 500 field experience placements each semester (Exhibits 3.4.b.1; 3.4.b.2; 3.4.b.3; 3.4.b.4; 3.4.b.5; 3.4.b.6; 3.4.b.7).

Candidates receive an orientation to student teaching prior to the culminating clinical experience (Exhibits 3.4.e.15; 3.4.e.16). Our OCE places over 250 candidates in student teaching placements each semester (Exhibit 3.4.b.9). Criteria for cooperating teachers and university supervisors are well established and posted on the OCE website (Exhibit 3.4.c.1). In addition, handbooks are available for candidates and cooperating teachers, which outline expectations for assessment and support throughout the experience (Exhibits 3.4.e.1; 3.4.e.2; 3.4.e.3; 3.4.e.4; 3.4.e.5; 3.4.e.6; 3.4.e.7). OCE hosts regular meetings for university supervisors to provide information, support and other resources (Exhibits 3.4.d.1; 3.4.d.2; 3.4.d.3). Department liaisons also work with the OCE on issues related to field experiences (Exhibit 3.4.d.5).

University supervisors complete a minimum of three observations in any given 8-week block. Currently, candidates in elementary and early childhood student teach for 8 weeks in one semester, followed by an additional 8 weeks the following semester (for a sixteen week total placement). Candidates in secondary programs student teach for 16 consecutive weeks (which may be in two sites, depending on the scope of their license). Summative Assessments are completed at the end of student teaching by both the university supervisor and the cooperating teacher. This assessment aligns with the skills and dispositions defined in the Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice. Three way conferences (cooperating teacher, university supervisor and teacher candidate) occur at least three times during the student teaching experience. In Spring 2014, 97% of candidates placed successfully completed student teaching (Exhibit 3.4.g.1).

Advanced Programs: Candidates in advanced programs complete practicum experiences in their specific area of study (i.e., developmental disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, parent education). Candidates are assessed at the end of their practicum (Exhibit 3.4.f.13).

Other School Professionals: Candidates in programs for school counseling and administrative positions complete internships under the supervision of a professional licensed in the same discipline. On-site supervisors and university supervisors collaborate in the supervision and assessment of program candidates, which are aligned with the competencies required for licensure (Exhibit 3.4.f.15; 3.4.f.16; 3.4.f.17; 3.4.f.18).

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