Racial Issues Colloquium



Community Studies (CMTY)

CMTY 111: Race in America required texts/reading:

  • Aguirre, Adalberto and Jonathan Turner. American Ethnicity.
  • Anderson, M. and P. Hill Collins (eds.). Race, Class, and Gender.
  • “Blacks in America: American Mythology and Miseducation.” Oppression and Social Justice: Critical Frameworks.
  • “Community Leadership and Black Former Student Activists of the 1960s.” The Western Journal of Black Studies.
  • Gallagher, Charles. Rethinking the Color Line.
  • “The Intellectual Roots of the Controversy Around Cultural Diversity and Political Correctness.” The Western Journal of Black Studies.
  • Kromkowski, John. (ed.). Race and Ethnic Relations 01/02.
  • Lanham. Black Student Activists: Transition to Middle Class Professionals.
  • “The Political Views of Black Students During the Reagan Era.” The Black Scholar.
  • “Race Consciousness Among African-American Students, 1980s.” The Western Journal of Black Studies.

CMTY 111 Videos: (A complete list of the videos can be obtained from the RIC Coordinator)

  • Adelante, Mujeres! / National Women’s (History of Chicanas in Southwest).
  • America’s Civil Rights Movement (Complete teaching package in text and video; Teaching tolerance).
  • America’s multicultural Heritage (Maps & timeline of U.S. immigrants since 1600).
  • The Americans (Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Mexican Americans—culture, economics, politics).
  • Black is—Black Ain’t: A Personal Journey through Black Identity (Issues of color, sexuality, dealing w/AIDS).
  • Cherokee Trail of Tears (How the West was lost series).
  • The Columbian Exchange (People, Foods, Animals in “exchange” between the Old & New Worlds since 1500).
  • The Dakota Conflict (Dakota Sioux driven from Minnesota 1860s).
  • Hate on Trial, with Bill Moyers (Study of federal civil trial of Tom Metzgar & WAR).
  • Home from the Eastern Sea (The story of Asian Pacific Americans in Washington State).
  • This House of Power (History of the Black Church).
  • Klan Youth Corps (New York, Anti-defamation League of B’nai B’rith).
  • Miss India Georgia (Beauty pageant & personal stories of young Indian women in South U.S.).
  • My America: or Honk if You Love Buddha (Oral histories & Asian diversity).
  • Nokomis: Voices of Anishinabe Grandmothers (Anishinabe / Ojibwe Oral Histories—Wisconsin).
  • Throwaway People (Change in Shaw neighborhood, Wash D.C.—“segregation” to “inner city”).
  • The Ties That Bind: Stories Behind the Immigration Controversy.
  • Tough Guise: Violence, Media, and the Crisis in Masculinity (Images of masculinity & violence in media).
  • True Colors (Discrimination).

CMTY 111 Web sites: (A list of additional web sites can be obtained from the RIC Coordinator)

CMTY 470 : The Black Community required texts/readings:

  • Anner, John (ed.). Beyond Identity Politics: Emerging Social Justice Movements in Communities of Color.
  • Marable, Manning. How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America: Problems in Race, Political Economy, and Society.

CMTY 470 videos: (See CMTY 111 for a list of videos)

CMTY 470 web sites: (See CMTY 111 for a list of web sites)

Ethnic Studies (ETHS)

ETHS 201: Introduction to Ethnic Studies required texts/readings:

  • Farley, John E. Majority-Minority Relations (4th ed.).
  • Kivel, Paul. Uprooting Racism.
  • The President’s Initiative on Race. One America in the 21st Century.
  • Schaefer, Richard T. Racial and Ethnic Groups (8th ed.).
  • Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America.
  • Tatum, Beverly Daniel. Why Are All the Blacks Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
  • Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States.

ETHS 201 recommended texts/reading:

  • Rothman, Robert. Inequality and Stratification: Class, Color, and Gender.

History (HIST)

HIST 109 : Race in America required texts/readings:

  • Gjerde, Jon (ed.). Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History.
  • Haley, Alex. The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Human Relations (HURL)

HURL 102 : Human Relations & Race required texts/readings:

  • Appiah, A. and A. Gutmann. The Political Morality of Race. (p.30-52)
  • Biale, D., et al. “The Dialectic of Jewish Enlightenment.” Insider/Outsider: American Jews and Multiculturalism.(Chapter 3)
  • Bennett, JR. L. Before the Mayflower: A History of Black America. (Chapters 2 & 3)
  • Bonacich, E. “Inequality in America: The Failure of the American System for People of Color.” Race, Class and Gender: An Anthology. (p.96-110)
  • Brodkin, K. How Jews Became White Folks & What That Says About Race in America. (Chapters 1 & 2)
  • Brown, D. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West. (p.1-12)
  • Brown, M.E. “Causes and Implications of Ethnic Conflict.” The Ethnicity Reader: Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Migration. (p.80-100)
  • Chideya, F. Don’t Believe the Hype: Fighting Cultural Misinformation About African-Americans. (Introduction, Chapters 1 & 12)
  • Chow, R. “The Fascist Longings in Our Midst.” ARIEL. (26:1 p.23-50)
  • Churchill, W. Indians are Us? Culture and Genocide in Native North America. (p.65-72)
  • Churchill, Ward. Struggle for the Land. (p.15-31 / recommended 33-83)
  • Cone, J. Martin & Malcolm & America: A Dream or a Nightmare. (p.1-17 & 244-271)
  • Davis, A. “Gender, Class, and Multiculturalism: Rethinking ‘Race’ ‘Politics’.” Mapping Multiculturism.  (p.40-48) Dyer, R. White. (p.1-40)
  • Feagin, Vera and Batur. White Racism.
  • Gallagher, Charles A. Rethinking the Color Line.
  • Ginsberg, E.K. “The Politics of Passing.” Passing and the Fictions of Identity. (p.1-17)
  • Greenberg, C. “Pluralism and Its Discontents: The Case of Blacks and Jews.” Insider/Outsider: American Jews and Multiculturalism. (Chapter 3)
  • Hacker, Diana. A Pocket Style Manual.
  • Jackson, P. “A Permanent Possession’? US Attitudes Towards Puerto Rico.” Race and Racism: Essays in Social Geography. (p.304-325)
  • Karaman, B. and M. Wingfield. “Arab Stereotypes and American Educators.” Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development. (p.132-136)
  • King, Jr., Martin Luther. “I See the Promised Land.” A Testament of Hope: The Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. (p.279-285)
  • Kotlowitz, Alex. There Are No Children Here.
  • Kwong, P. The New Chinatown. (p.3-24, 202-205)
  • Langston, D. “Tired of Playing Monopoly?” Race, Class and Gender: An Anthology. (p.110-120)
  • Lechte, J. “Ethnocentrism, Racism, Genocide.” The Cultural Construction of Race. (p.32-45)
  • Leslie, D. and L. Mac Neill. “Double Positive: Lesbians and Race.” Racism in the Lives of  Women: Testimony, Theory and Guides to Antiracist Practice. (p.161-169)
  • Lipsitz, G. The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit From Identity Politics. (Chapter 1)
  • Locke, B. “Here Comes the Judge: The Dancing Itos and the Televisual Construction of the Enemy Asian Male.” Living Color: Race and Television in the United States.(p.239-253)
  • Martinez, E. De Colores Means All of Us: Latina Views for a Multi-Colored Century. (Chapter 1)
  • Matsuda, M.J. Where is Your Body? And Other Essays on Race and the Law. (Chapters 13 & 14)
  • McIntosh, P. “White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondences Through Work in Women’s Studies.” Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology. (p.70-81)
  • Oboler, S. Ethnic Labels, Latino Lives: Identity and the Politics of (Re)Presentation in the United States. (Introduction & Chapter 1)
  • Omi, M. and H. Winant. Racial Formation in the United States from the 1960s to the 1980s. (Chapter 4)
  • Romero, M. “Life as the Maid’s Daughter: An Exploration of the Everyday Boundaries of Race, Class, and Gender.” Challenging Fronteras: Structuring Latino and Latina Lives in the U.S.: An Anthology of Readings. (p.195-209)
  • Sambo, D. “Report on Critical Issues in the Arctic: Inuit Circumpolar Conference.” Critical Issues in Native North America.(IWGA Document #62 & Copenhagen p.175-192)
  • Sollors, W. “Who is Ethnic?” The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. (p.219-222)
  • Tajima, R. “Site-seeing Through Asian America: On the Making of Fortune Cookies.” Mapping Multiculturalism. (p.263-294)
  • Thompson, B. “Subverting Racism from Within: Linking White Identity to Activism.” Becoming and Unbecoming White: Owning and Disowning a Racial Identity.(p.64-77)
  • X, Malcolm. “The Homecoming Rally of the OAAU.” By Any Means Necessary. (p.133-156)
  • Yamato, G. “Something About the Subject Makes It Hard to Name.” Making Face, Making Soul-Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color. (p.20-24)

HURL 102 Videos:

  • All Power to the People
  • Boycott
  • The Color of Paradise
  • Dakota Conflict
  • Ethnic Notions
  • Eyes on the Prize I, Fighting Back
  • Eyes on the Prize II, Ain’t Gonna Shuffle No More
  • Eyes on the Prize II, Back to the Movement
  • Eyes on the Prize II, The Keys to the Kingdom
  • Four Little Girls
  • Fundi: The Ella Baker Story
  • In Whose Honor?
  • Making a Killing, MEAT
  • Mi Familia
  • New Harvest, Old Shame
  • Rabbit in the Moon
  • Spirit of Crazy Horse, Front Line
  • Talking About Race
  • Tou Ger Xiong
  • True Colors
  • Viva La Raza: 500 Years of Chicano/a History
  • Winona LaDuke: Indigenous Intellectual Thought v. Industrial Thinking
  • Winter Soldier
  • Zoned for Slavery

HURL 105 : Racism & Education required texts/readings:

  • Kozol, Jonathon. Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools.

Sociology (SOC)

SOC 268 : Race / Ethnic Relations required texts/readings:

  • Anner, John (ed.). Beyond Identity Politics: Emerging Social Justice Movements in Communities of Color.
  • Brown, D. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West.
  • Brown, M.E. The Ethnicity Reader: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Migration.
  • Churchill, W. Indians are Us? Culture and Genocide in Native North America.
  • Churchill, W. Struggle for the Land.
  • Doob, Christopher Bates. Racism: An American Cauldron (3rd ed.).
  • Gallagher, Charles A. (ed.). Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in Race and Ethnicity.
  • McLemore, S. Dale. et.al. Racial and Ethnic Relations in America (6th ed.).
  • Omi, M. and Winant, H. Racial Formation on the United States from the 1960s to the 1980s.
  • Rothenberg, Paula S. White Privilege: Essential Readings on the Other Side of Racism.
  • Sollors, W. The Post-Colonial Studies Reader.
  • Yamato, G. Making Face, Making Soul-Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color.
  • Course Pack at the Miller LRC

SOC 268 recommended texts/readings:

  •  Hacker, Diana. A Pocket Style Manual. (3rd ed.).
  • Ore, Tracy E. The Social Construction of Difference and Inequality; Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality. (2nd ed.).
  • The Sociology Writing Group. A Guide to Writing Sociology Papers. (5th ed.).
  • West, Cornel. Race Matters.