Software Engineering

Mission, Objectives and Outcomes


Our mission is to prepare students for successful careers in software engineering and graduate education with a thorough understanding of software engineering and experiential learning opportunities to apply that knowledge to solve real-world problems.

Program educational objectives

The program will prepare our students to be successful professionals in the field with solid fundamental knowledge of software engineering.

  • Be successful professionals in the field with solid fundamental knowledge of software engineering
  • Utilize and exhibit strong communication and interpersonal skills, as well as professional and ethical principles when functioning as members and leaders of multi-disciplinary teams
  • Apply their foundations in software engineering to adapt to readily changing environments using the appropriate theory, principles and processes

Student outcomes of the program

At the time of graduation, all Software Engineering students will have demonstrated:

  • How to apply the software engineering lifecycle by demonstrating competence in communication, planning, analysis, design, construction, and deployment
  • An ability to work in one or more significant application domains
  • Work as an individual and as part of a multidisciplinary team to develop and deliver quality software 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and apply current theories, models, and techniques that provide a basis for the software lifecycle
  • Demonstrate an ability to use the techniques and tools necessary for engineering practice