Multicultural Resource Center

MRC Programming 2011 - 2012

Anti-Racist Pedagogy Across the Curriculum

Award Winning Program
MnSCU Diversity and Equity Award 2012
New Innovative Practices in Diversity, 2nd Place

This workshop provides intensive training for SCSU faculty on how to incorporate anti-racism pedagogy into courses across disciplines, across our campus. This two part training will be led by nationally recognized trainers with follow-up meetings planned in 2012 - 2013 academic year. Participants will develop curriculum modifications for existing or new courses with implementation in future semesters.

May 9 - 11, 2012 - Part I
May 14 - 17, 2012 - Part II

Organized by MRC and Community Anti-Racism Education Initiative (CARE)

Native Studies Summer Workshop for Educators

Award Winning Program
MnSCU Diversity and Multicultural Division 2010
New Innovative Practices in Diversity Award   

NSSWE is designed to increase the knowledge, sensitivity and awareness of Minnesota educators, administrators and employees on the histories, cultures and languages of the federally recognized tribes and bands in Minnesota. This high-quality professional development program will promote a greater understanding of American Indian issues and provide opportunities to critically evaluate educational materials and resources. The goal of the Native Studies Summer Workshop for Educators is to facilitate learning among teachers, administrators, and student service providers in order to increase the effectiveness of working with American Indian students.

June 18 - June 22, 2012
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa, Tower, MN

Organized by MRC and the American Indian Center

MRC Lecture Series

Slavery in Minnesota in the Upper Mississippi Valley

Audio Available

Christopher Lehman

October 24, 2011

The lecture discussed some significant (but frequently ignored) events in the life of Midwestern slaves after the banning of slavery in the U.S., and how slavery persisted in the region through the end of the Civil War.

MRC Collaborations

Winning Marriage and More: Emerging Challenges for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Equality

Urvashi Vaid (Women's History Month and Outproud Week keynote speaker)

March 20, 2012

Sponsored by MRC, Women's Center, LGBT Resource Center, Academic Affairs, Multicultural Student Services, Women's Studies, Office of Student Life and Development, Equity and Affirmative Action Office, Residence Hall Association

Global Social Responsibility Conference

October 3 - 6, 2011

Sponsored by Social Responsibility Program
Co-sponsored by MRC, Anna Marie’s Alliance, Eco Travel and Tourism, Environmental and Technological Studies, Film Studies, Global Studies, Human Relations, Mass Communication, Mille Lacs Human Rights Commission, Multicultural Student Services, St. Cloud Technical and Community College Diversity Committee, Social Responsibility Student Organization, Sociology, Women’s Center, Women’s Studies, League of Women Voters