Human Performance Lab

Community Education

We love sharing our expertise in health with the community through services such as lab tours for high school and college classes and employee training for local employers and nonprofit organizations.

Lab Tours

Our tours involve active participation by the students in activities such as treadmill testing and anaerobic power output.

Tours usually last one hour, however, some tours have been expanded to 2-3 hours and conducted as a hands-on laboratory session.

Contact us if you would like more information or want to schedule a tour.

Employee Training

The Human Performance Laboratory routinely helps local employers educate and encourage employees to make choices that will lead to healthier lifestyles. Session topics have included:

  • Lower back exercises
  • Safe lifting techniques
  • Increasing one's physical activity level
  • Blood pressure screening
  • Assessment of body composition
  • Home exercise programs

We have conducted on-site training for:

  • Nahan Printing
  • Electrolux
  • Creative Memories
  • District 742 Schools
  • Health Partners of Central MN
  • St. Cloud State University

Contact us if you would like to schedule a training session.