Rehabilitation Counseling (M.S.)

Requirements and Details


Complete admission and program requirements are found in the University Catalog.

Admission Information

Strong candidates will be invited to interview with representatives of the profession, advanced students in the program and the counseling faculty. An interview is required.

Applicants can enhance their chance for an admission offer by having all application materials in by the deadline and then demonstrating clear and compelling responses to the interview questions in the group interviews.

Careful attention will be given to previous work experience, academic background, scholarship, emotional maturity, multicultural experiences, interpersonal skills and commitment to the counseling profession.

The interview is most heavily weighted in the admission process.

Program Policy Requirements

  1. All new students (both part-time and full-time) must attend the fall semester orientation meeting held early in fall semester.
  2. All students will be required to join the American Counseling Association
  3. All students are required to purchase individual counseling liability insurance
  4. All students are required to purchase Tevera software ISBN: 978-0-9992321-5-6 (consult with your advisor).


Each new student will be assigned an adviser shortly after they are admitted. Part-time students will need to plan their schedules with their advisers. New full-time students have their first semester planned by the program.

Not all advisers are immediately available for conferences, particularly if the student is admitted during summer session. In these cases, any counseling faculty member can assist you