Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Admitted Students

Once you have been admitted to the Master of Business Administration program, you will have a few steps to complete before starting your first classes.

Academic Integrity Contract

As a student of St. Cloud State University, you are required to sign the Academic Integrity Contract, a moral agreement between St. Cloud State University and every student stating that you will behave at all times in an ethical manner. The contract is available on D2L and must be signed and emailed to  

The Graduate Academic Integrity Statement states: 

"The School of Graduate Studies and the Graduate faculty expect graduate students to fulfill their academic obligations honestly and fairly without engaging in cheating, plagiarism, falsification, collusion, or other forms of academic dishonesty. Graduate students must adhere to the University policy on academic integrity. The School of Graduate Studies reserves the right to impose additional sanctions on graduate students found to be in violation of the academic integrity policy, including academic probation, suspension, and dismissal. Academic suspension and dismissal will be noted on the student transcript." 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the MBA program at 320-308-3212 or