Addictions Specialist (Graduate Certificate)

Requirements and Details


Complete admission and program requirements are found in the University Catalog.

Careful attention will be given to previous work experience, academic background, scholarship, interpersonal skills, and commitment to the field of addictions.

Addictions Certificate Degree Map

Statement of Intent

A specific Statement of Intent for applicants to the Addictions program is to be submitted electronically through the online admission application. 

To address in the Statement of Intent:

  • Describe your personal experiences with counseling or therapy, and your own self-growth experiences.
  • Describe the significant life events that have contributed to who you are today.
  • Please describe why the field of chemical dependency treatment is of interest to you.
  • If you have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder, what is your sober date?

How did you find recovery?

How do you maintain your sober lifestyle?

  • Identify areas of strength and challenges in pursuing this degree

Application Review

Strong candidates will be invited to a group interview with counseling faculty. If attendance at an interview is totally impractical, the graduate director may designate an alternate method.